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Everything posted by the_wolf

  1. Good thinking! ^ top ideas we need to keep thinking outside the square like this, and like you said it needs to be the modified car community as a whole, not just our rice burners, or knuckle dragger v8 carbie crew. But everyone, low riders, mini trucks, jap, muscle. All forums + clubs in the community have to do this as one.....
  2. There will be many options on action to take against all this. One thing is for sure though....if it keeps going this way..in 10 years ANY mod will be illegal. I really don't want to see this scene and culture die out that's all....
  3. Agreed tez, although it with take alot of planning to do it the right way with the right people, but there are so many forums/car clubs that if we just all can sit down and liase/brainstorm a bit.....the resources we would have between us are more than enough. BUT. We need our point/s to be very very clear, simple and precise. All I can say for sure is that the abovementioned points need to end up distancing us from the likes of the people shown on ACA... But for it to work at all, the right words in the right context need to be used for this to stay relevant, it's not enough to just say that the industry employs so many bla bla bla Because at the end of the day joe public and the police don't care about that. They care about goons street racing, ripping skids and disobeying the road rules. I think a good starting point is to convey the message that those actions are ones that are publicized too much, wrongly In the name of our whole scene. As ACA had done here. The nitty gritty in and outs of us are never seen. Not the sensible majority who just want to be left alone on public roads and follow the rules, getting our kicks on the track which we pay good money for. And of course this side would not be publicized... It's not good ratings and won't stir the shit pot. But the police and joe public need to see this side, and that this side is the far majority of the car scene. There must be a big line to publicly seperate us clearly as sensible car enthusiasts as oppose to hoons, on ACA the public was being fed The like of. "they call themselves car enthusiasts, but these hoons bla bla". The line is currently non existent to the people who can make our lives s whole lot easier. <end rant> But it has to be very well organized by the car forums/clubs of oz and will take alot of work behjnd the scenes contacting people at the top of each forum etc.will need more of a "team" of people I think, can be done though...I am getting sick of not being able to drive down the road...following the rules only to be targeted by highway/police because apparently your car tells them everything about you as a person...and in our case, that definition is currently hoon. And will be treated accordingly, all tarred with the same brush
  4. Having said that it's amazing any imports are still on the road.....almost every one would have at least one defect, so we're doing ok so far... EPA and highway operations or not.
  5. Agreed...,some bikes are just stupidly loud..I really don't get it. I think it might be that aca and today tonight don't runs specials on bike hoons as opposed to car hoons every 6 months or so when things get quiet...they just dont get the publicity/numbers that all us street racing grandma killing burnout hoons do
  6. ^ This makes me sad....party poopers Hot dang it might just be time to buy my legnum back....debadge and add a magna badge. Sleepers will eventually get real popular. Plus stealthy mods, small turbo upgrades and low mounts with factory heat shields etc. I know they already are but even more so soon
  7. am so keen to see your results roy as within the next 12 months ill be upgrading turbo and would be awesome to see what sort of response and power the td05 18g will give....and what will happen with the poncams.....
  8. Still here? Tried to pm but ur inbox was full....
  9. Etch primer is so the paint can adhere or stick to the fmic properly so it does my chip off quickly, first one I did I didn't use any and within two weeks it looked shit. If its dirty clean it with some spray on and wash off degreaser, just use a garden hose, high pressure may damage the fins, for a cleaner end result, after it's degreased and waged just let ur air dry and straighten any bent fins with a flat blade screwdriver, then spray your etch primer, let it dry then do your black coat, with both coats it's important to spray on ALL angle to get all around the fins, other wise it will look patchy on different angles. You'll see what I mean if you do it
  10. I painted mine (before and after dyno runs) literally no difference to intake temps from Cold start to warm...obviously only doing runs when warm...That was on the legnum and made 215 atw no dramas, the missus wrx has 216 atw with a black painted core...both came up really well don't chip easily etc, also did one on a mates 180 last week. You need a can of etch primer and I used satin or matte black engine enamel but I've found satin black caliper paint to look awesome and with a better finish, but u must use the etch primer and make sure the fmic is clean first...
  11. Ahhh the joys, these sound like some of my headaches for far, at least you have a sense of humor about it .....at the end of the day of you take it too seriously you'd just go crazy I guess lol. Soldier on brother and get it on the road !!
  12. nrma mech. comes to tow my car, "nice skyline, my son loves them, has his 3rd now so ive been living with them for ages" me: aw yeh? is it a gtr or gtst??? mech: pauses, then says with amazing conviction.... "its a gtr-st" me: sounds really rare mate.
  13. Haha I'm in the same dilemma....gun metal grey and I want a respray. But I'm going to stay with the gunmetal grey, looks really nice when it's new, plus that means you can get away with hyper orange te37s XD I did think of going white though......or even millennium jade.
  14. Because I'm a retard in a rush I accidentally ordered an extra set of Nismo rear camber arms for my 32 Gtst, will also fit s13..... Literally still in the Nismo box in bubble wrap, opened them and went, wtf/woops already have one set of these:/ Everyone knows what Nismo arms look like but I'll post pics tonight after work..pretty silver with Nismo writing on them... Am looking for 180 which is 10 less than I paid. Throw me offers though. Pick up western suburbs of Sydney ONLY. Not posting them Contact Zach on 0433 652 959 if interested.
  15. +1. "ive even got my own comic, adventures of the boobie watcher"
  16. Im 23 now and have had two turbocharged cars on my p's, a manual legnum which made a healthy 215 awkw and a gtir powered n14 SSS with a gt2871r....made plenty of power, I've never had an accident in either of those cars, both we're modified to be all rounders, suspension and brakes were awesome on both. I was pulled over once in the legnum and tbh the highway officer had no clue...breath tested me and let me go. Both cars were modified pretty low key- no crazy fitment, no atmo bovs, both had black fmics etc etc. I know alot of idiots that will drive stupidly no matter what they're in, but the point I'm trying to make is that there ARE sensible late teens on p's driving these cars.my parents never had a drama with me driving them, I payed my $$ and got my kicks at eastern creek. Driver attitude is what kills people, without a driver the car is a lump of fairly safe metal.
  17. my 32 gtst has the same symptoms..ive had it on a hoist at work and mine has some pretty epic backlash in the diff, like from 10 o"clock and 2 o"clock turning the shaft clockwise between those two points, and clucky as all hell. nismo gt pro on the way
  18. Top work fellas will be looking for a cage and harness bar for my 32 Gtst within the next few months
  19. So I take it genuine bride rails fit these replicas then...?
  20. If I win powerball I'd even give you 10k more then you're asking just out of crazy stupidity....(and I'd be stupidly rich btw) Best of luck with sale hopefully it goes to someone who will keep up the standard.
  21. Awesome! Is that just me or me+ the wife? Just need to know as I'll process payment tonight! Much appreciated!
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