just car's my preffered insurance company for the past 15 months, just got a letter a couple months ago reducing my monthly by over $100 was wrapped!
Car: 1998 Nissan Skyline R34 GTT
Insurance company: Just Car
Premium Cost: $160 (monthly)
age: 21
driving history: Clean
gender: Male
mods: stock (air filter, exhaust, basic upgrades)
garage y/n: definitly! too scared to leave it outside haha
alarm: immobiliser, gonna get proper alarm installed
insured amount: $16 000, could get a lower monthly if i want to decrease value but im pretty stoked as is
excess:about $600 i think, use to be around $1000 last yr
overall im pretty happy but eventually ill probably want it lowered since im only working casual hrs now instead of full time till i finish my degree but all i all its good value for what i pay