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Tai1or Made

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Everything posted by Tai1or Made

  1. I hope someone is bringing a camera, Owen, I'm looking in your direction.
  2. Pfft I go where I please. Manuel just stalks me.
  3. FYP Also,
  4. Obviously don't want their money.
  5. This 4 door 33 is going cheap. Non turbo.
  6. That can't be proven.
  7. I try not to say it straight up, so I don't come across as a total cvnt. But then I remember I don't care what you guys think.
  8. He's already been learned. Well done guys. Welcome.
  9. I'm thinking meet at Albion Park at 11.30. Hang around till everyone arrives, then head off. https://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=Illawarra+Hwy%2FTongarra+Rd%2FNational+Route+48&daddr=42+Hoddle+Street,+Robertson,+New+South+Wales&hl=en&ll=-34.554073,150.69706&spn=0.148448,0.308647&sll=-34.571373,150.76551&sspn=0.009276,0.01929&geocode=Fed88P0dGJf8CA%3BFWY58P0dDdf5CCmRuLR7g3UTazFf0bGkw86PSA&oq=42+Hoddle+str&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=16&t=m&z=12 Perhaps a Sydneysider could chime in with a time for the KFC meet in the morning.
  10. Finally.
  11. Welcome. Photo's of Aristo? 4 doors make me moist.
  12. Its more of a "f**k you, and your performance car" here. But don't quote me on that.
  13. Its where the cool kids are.
  14. Do it. Slart.
  15. Introducing yourself to everyone Luke. Good chap.
  16. Yeah that was an awesome shot, first time I've seen that shot. Really cool.
  17. Oxymoronic statement.
  18. Also, IIRC - if I recall correctly
  19. You left out; APWR- as per wasteland rules
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