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Tai1or Made

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Everything posted by Tai1or Made

  1. Yeah, actually clicked on it after I posted. Skill.
  2. Hardest thing about rollerblading....
  3. Sounds awesome. I hate Apple because they never give me enough stickers with there products.
  4. Salads are great too. But like you're gonna eat a salad whilst everyone else is munching down on pizza goodness.
  5. Lolzers, try again.
  6. George, what show is that from? Also, thread delivers the lulz.
  7. Just posting to report that I'm 100% with Kon's work at WAS. Very straight forward and fair. Highly recommend. Thanks everyone here for the heads up.
  8. I was gonna post a sexy upskirt of my car today, but then I realised I'm a shit photographer. Everyone else, keep up the sexy 33's.
  9. Probably a silly question, but has anyone put coupe tail lights on a R33 sedan? If so, post pics!
  10. Adult Warehouse. Plenty of lube, be firm but don't force it and it'll slip right into position.
  11. White Series 2 R33 rolled through Robertson this arvo. Number plate DR 405 I think.
  12. RB20? Or just the cam covers? Can't read what it says.
  13. Fine, I'll leave the onion off yours then. Picky.
  14. Not gonna happen.
  15. +1 for 6x9 being shithouse.
  16. Uploading, on my tablet, being lazy.
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