My best at EC is 13.6 and I've been told by my mates and mechanic that with the power the car has got, my times should be a little better than this.
Perfect launch, perfect gear change, foot to the floor but I could never get any better than 13.6, so I've always put this down to my driving on the night and never really thought it could be a problem with the car
After diagnosing the surging feeling in the car last night, my mechanic decided to "test the car". 1st and 2nd gear feels really strong but when in 3rd, it's lacking some power.
So either the cams aren't keeping up, maybe the stock ones are too small for the GTRS or the VCT is causing the problem (I know the VCT is playing up as this was one of the things Scott @Insight mentioned)
We'll play around with the car on friday and saturday and see if we can work this out
At least I know now the crappy times at EC isn't me