Hey guys,
So I have been searching the interwebz about all the tricks to find Vac Leaks.
I also searched SAU and found a few threads with mixed ideas and some of the exact same info.
So most people they say spray it with carby cleaner or start ya bast.
This I guess is a good/bad idea for larger leaks which can be pin pointed by spraying it around and listening for a change in revs.
I have tried this method on my vac leak but still come up with nothing.
Now in my searches people have also used smoke machines to find leaks and there are 2 types you can get either the party ones or the expensive ones made for cars.
Others on youtube have even just used a cigar and a long pipe!
Anyone have any experiences with Vac leaks.
Have you found it?
How did you find it?
Did you use a party smoke machine?
Did you take it to someone for them to find it.
I am considering going down to the party shop and buying myself a smoke machine but then the glycerin worries me having it inside my vac lines etc.