Copped some mad road rage.
Had some bloke tailgate me and then try ram my car off the road tonight.
He got in front of me and slammed his brakes on until we came to a complete stop. I was scared shitless and smashed it in first gear and took off. Didn't want to break the speed limit so he caught up fairly quickly and tried multiple times to ram me off the road. At one stage I was driving on the medium strip trying to make sure he didn't hit my car.
I think I may have cut him off when I pulled out to overtake, first I knew of it was when he pulled up beside me and started yelling.
Couldn't even call the police because he was trying to ram the car and I didn't want to take my eyes off the road.
I ended up darting off on one of the exits along tuggers park way at the last minute so he couldn't follow. Didn't get his number plate either because I was so scared.