That is the dumbest thing i've every read. You say education won't help because stupidity is to blame, but wouldn't education be the best solution for stupidity.
I don't know what the rules are like in VIC for getting a license, but back in 2000 when i got my license in NSW i could get it at 17, no driving lessons were required (just needed to pass the test), i could drive whatever i could afford (no power limits) and i was only on my p's for 1 year. I know things have changed a bit over the years, but why are people given a license for proving they can reverse park and do a three point turn. Education will not stop all accidents but could do a lot more to make people understand the dangers of driving and understand how to control a car, it still comes down to the drivers decisions but i believe if young drivers were better educated they wouldn't make the same stupid decisions.