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Everything posted by TrevR32GTS-T

  1. ABuSD One thing is, you do not know how much you miss something until it is gone. I forgot how much I missed my GT-R seats.
  2. :headspin: I got my car back yesterday. The guy found a chafed wire going from the ecu to the number one coil pack. He said what if one wire is go, the other 5 coil packs will not fire at all. He fix a few other thing as well too. Before I toke it in, had a ruff idle and now that is gone. The moter is real good now. I have wheel spin up to 3rd gear. I am happy to have my car back. Thank for everyone help. Trev
  3. RBsileighty you will see a little differents in the turbos. It will be easier to run an after market boost controller. The intake side of the turbo.
  4. RBsileighty T28 uses a t-3 exhast housing but, uses a 5 bolt pantern. That is why you need a different outlet (dump pipe).
  5. No......no need for one here. Very little crime here. Only crime is drifting and racing. And I race. One thing I did forgot to do was, pull the CAS out and spin it to see if my timing is out or it can be a ground somewhere. Sounds weird but, I seen weirder thing on aircraft. The garage I took it to has good rep. for fixing these types of problems, even if he is a mazda guy.
  6. predator I see in option or option 2 mag. They did it to oil pan, oil filter, and intercooler pipping. They used high temp. glue.
  7. Bazooka I got my FMIC and BOV from there.....
  8. :cuss: I had the car towed to garage today. I hope to know in a few day that is wrong with it. He said maybe the timing belt but, he said his going to check a few thing first. Let you guys know soon. :headshot: :whip:
  9. T-28 from S14.....modded inlet and s14 outlet or aftermarket.....but it bolts up to the exhast manifold, also downpipe.
  10. Infinity is Nissan......I am looking for a TPS plug from a Q45.....
  11. Mr GTS4 Stock turbo? Your waste gate actuator is not holding, letting your turbo bleed at high boost, probably not letting you produce power above 5 grand. You can use t-25 from r33 with a little lag.
  12. http://www.rinkya.com/ you can go here and search R32. The thrid one down is for gt-r and they have turbo for r32, r33, and r34. There are some good picture to find numbers for a/r . Here is a good link for r33 gt-r turbos: http://www.rinkya.com/cgi-bin/twview.pl?UR...uction/h5418381
  13. I guess my turbo has a ghost or demon in mine. I go from .7 to .9 above 5 grand.
  14. Great thing about Power FC is when you upgrade your injectors. The frist thing I got was a FMIC and HKS SSQ BOV. Next, (when I get my car fixed) is a manual boost controller then fuel computer for my 550 injectors and t-28 turbo (cheap upgrade).
  15. Going that way, he needs a fuel regualtor and guage to set resistance for a higher liter per hour pump. Also a fuel computer help to get a proper fuel to air ratio. Say power FC to e-manage to S-AFC.
  16. I have a friend t04 on GTS-T with stock injector and he is run against GT-R.
  17. Here a little fuel pump info: GTS-T or -4 is 135 LPH GT-R is 190 LHP
  18. R32 and r33 have the same turbos. R34 has a larger turbos. R34 is when nissan made thier own turbos. I what to say r32 and r33 has t-25. R34 has a modded t-28 for fast spool.
  19. Morgs He what to know if it is a t-3, t-25, or t-28.
  20. Fuel is coming of the fuel line but, no audio from the fuel pump. I have alway been able to hear it and get the 5-second prime. My fuel mileage was very good before it stopped running. I had to fill-up once a week. It is quiter than my gt-r pump I had it there. :hellpisd: :cuss:
  21. My gas cap for my gas tank is not vented. It helps the pump run with less stress. My tank is not get pressured. I do not know if, the pump is crapped out, the car will not start as a safety reason not to run the car too lean and kill the engine. :Bang:
  22. You do not need a big turbo to hit 12 seconds. Big turbo means big lag. Small turbo means little lag. You need a front mount intercooler due to more heat. You need to manage the fuel and air ratio. If you use a t28 with a outlet from s14 or s15 (about $88 US on ebay) and boost to .9 bar (or 1 bar with front mount)with stock fuel system and 3 inch exhast. I see no problem. You loose pressure with front mount intercooler. I have a greddy on my car. I got so good torque from it. A good upgrade is a S-AFC and get it tune at a dyno.
  23. You might be right. My friend had t28 on his homemade sileighty.
  24. R32 has a t3 turbo (fast spool up) r33 has a t25 turbo (slow spool up) s13, s14, and s15 has a t28 turbo (go up to 1.1 bar on a stock silvia. You can use a t28 (uses a t3 flange). you have to get a differant outlet and mod the inlet, also add tap on the outlet to the intercooler. cheep upgrade.
  25. I do not hear the pump running. I have changed the pump and pump relay. The gas tank is not getting pressured (taking off the gas cap).
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