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Everything posted by Keegs

  1. A workshop called below 0 has a very bad reputation and I know personally i'd never take my car there....having said that there are many other ghey workshops around...Many ppl on here will suggest Gavin Woods, however my personal vote will go to mecury (even though ive not had any personal work done by them.....yet)
  2. well then there is no excuse someone is blatantly lying!
  3. dont ruin my story about little johnny.
  4. u love em.....
  5. but in all seriousness this is probably what happend....its probably a 10second 32 or something and he got ancy jumped the start by way to much...the clock doesnt stop for false starts and your time still appears on the board..the other person just always wins and it comes up with false start at the bottom of your slip.
  6. ACTUALLY!!! YOUR ALL WRONG HE COULD HAVE DONE IT!!!! I SAW HIM! wanna know how? well read on. There one day lived a litte boy called Johnny! He had a fast 32..it ran a 11 but that didnt satisfy little johnny he wanted more. Problem being he didnt have any money. So what he did was, go to willowbank for a test n tune. Little johnny knew from experience that a false start didnt affect your time so the next time he went he false started by 3 seconds, whilst the red light came up noone took notice of this and just stood astounded at the 9.08 little johnny had just run...standing proud little johnny fled the scene in hope that noone had realised what he did. WELL I SAW YOU JOHNNY you lying little biatch... This story may or may not be true!
  7. :werd: timeslip required, otherwise this is just another hoax.
  8. yea sorry champ but I think there has been some kind of mix up. This car would not be street registered and even if it isnt, I still am skeptical of the time. 8.07 is redicuously fast and I think a car that can run that would have been receiving more than a little publicity. A car that can run that time woud have seen the track numerous times for testing and someone would have let leak about it by now. Besides all this 8.07 and a street car dont mix.
  9. hmmmm no havent seen it..and i highly doubt that could be true, 8.07 is a massive feat...to do it in a street legal car would be pushing impossible.
  10. was bens puppy there too?
  11. gordo you know wat no pics means.....
  12. rofl yep as usual this thread is way off topic....i think im in part to blame for it ...MEH. Not like the chick has actually responded to anything anyway and we have our strong suspicions its just another member taking the piss...(although you probably read this in previous posts)...all in all a typical qld thread.
  13. sounds like you all had fun.....picsorban
  14. Keegs

    slow down...

    lol u have so just done yourself over. Everytime you go out you'll probably be done up the ass now But I do agree with you to some extent. PPL winge about the cops at bwcp almost all the time however I am yet to see anyone getting done that couldnt have avoided it. Even when they block it off...YOU CAN STILL GET OUT! So I dont see wat the ppl are winging about (police wise) as for the rest of it....I usually get rbt'd or pulled over when on the m1, in fact almost everytime so far, even when driving normal ....
  15. lol i think slide's been owned enough for one day....or make that two coz i started owning him yesterday....
  16. 22k ono.... 0419778085 the car is a steal at this price
  17. im out...sorry ladies, hopefully car will be gone tonight though
  18. bahahahahaha
  19. if your going to try and use some kind of lame mum pay out at least learn how to spell it n00b. MUM....M...U...M! sound it out if necessary.
  20. ok, firstly there have been some threads about 34 cruises etc, not saying that they intended them to be 34's only and one ive been on personally just saying they are percieved badly. Secondly this thread has served its purpose of helping out ppl and if there is something specific about 34's that someone wants to know..fine. But as can been seen it's just turning into a bitch fest..meh i dont want to argue its obvious whats happening and why. leave it at that. Matt
  21. In all honesty i think this thread has just turned into a bitch fest..(which isn't unusual), If you guys are chasing info its always available in forced induction etc as adrian said. If you want info from QLD members post a thread about it and they will help. I think the main problem here is the fact that there have been a few "r34 only" threads lately and ppl are getting annoyed. Even though your not necessarily intending to make it 34 only, that is obviously the way its going to be perceived when it has that in the title. Perhaps this thread should die a natural death and if you want info or want to organise a cruise do so, but start another thread. Matt
  22. lol i dunno if this is a joke, but you never come on cruises anyway ya slacker..
  23. you also failed to mention your part gay..see reference to whoretown: That is all.
  24. haha...I can hear a willowbank test n tune night coming on?? I know that josh can comment on just how well hire cars go...they can take a bit of punishment!! Anyway i'd be keen for a track night and im sure it wouldnt take much convincing to get many other qld members to come along as well.
  25. Keegs

    slow down...

    btw Neil im not disagreeing with you, I reckon everyone should just pay the small amount of money and go to track days....I know thats sure as hell what ill be doing alot of with my new car!
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