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Everything posted by Keegs

  1. Keegs

    1337 SpEaK 101

    H4h4, y34 514y4h pwnz 3v3ry0//3, 1 7h1//k j00 5h0u1D c0//3 0n d4 1337 411 //1gh7 cru153, j00 c4// 83 u883r c001 // 74lk 480u7 5l4y4h...
  2. i love u, but sorry i cant go...maybe ask josh?? :SLAYER:
  3. cmon ppl, will pay for interstate buyers plane ticket if you buy the car....(seems to be a big question these days) price 22,900 ono
  4. this guy is an absolute joke, your lucky that the fraudulent crap your pulling wouldnt send you to jail for a first time offence but rest assured keep up this crap and you will be meeting "bubba" really soon. Damien if this tool doesnt get his sh*t together and work it out your way, make a call to the police, theyre obligated to at least check it out and it costs you nothing. If you want to take it further contact a lawyer for some quick legal adivce, I can tell you now the costs of the dispute would outweigh the cost of the pump, but you could certainly put this tool in his place with a civil suit.
  5. what your doing is illegal...give him his money back and give up on your scam before someone who can be bothered sues your ass.
  6. Keegs

    poor guy

    but...if its in the essence of education.. If your driving along the M1 late at night on a saturday and there happens to be lots of cars driving really fast. Dont be in a skyline driving next to a commodore, sit next to him then watch him slow down and try to do skids then speed up and supposedly use the handbrake for some unknown reason. I cant be exactly sure that this is what happend but I was informed by a person who was further up the road near him that he started trying to do something that resembled skids..(unsuccessful no doubt) then sped up, past the skyling, mates yelling, then the back wheels locked up (more than likely from the handbrake) and well he 180'd into the barrier..cops showed up a little later and that was about the end fo the fun.
  7. Keegs

    poor guy

    got a warning for posting a thread asking who was on the road having fun on the m1 last saturday..
  8. doridori32 or mines_datsun or whoever the hell you are, everyone knows your a tool who is dodgy. Just get the hell off the forums. Chris (nexus) just owned your ass...you dont even read the posts above you before making stupid comments. I hope that the guy gets his money back and you doridori32 once again get banned. kthanxbye
  9. Keegs

    1337 SpEaK 101

    i love some of their stupid comments such as "gammar and correct spelling are often ignored using 1337 5p33k, m1xr0s0f7 4r3 p0wn3d 8y 0ur 1337 5p33k
  10. as chaos (ben) said check his all night cruise thread...we are doing something this weekend
  11. Microsoft....always teaching...rofl: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/c...en/kidtalk.mspx
  12. Keegs

    poor guy

    because we're not allowed to talk about it on the forums as what he was doing illegal, i think you know what happend though...its nto to hard to figure out lol
  13. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

  14. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    hmmm TAS is the hight of activity atm
  15. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    doubt it...i'll find teh really dodgy sleezy ppl, its called "the gap"
  16. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    go back to watching C:/dos.run
  17. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    guess its lucky i have teh plates 33niz then eh?? nice work 7001
  18. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    josh's mum has go it goin on.......lalala, josh loves teh big ones, men and women lalalala...it goes on, followed by said earlier pranks
  19. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    oh really...keep pushing its only a matter of time till the pranks begin at this rate..>
  20. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    tas whoretown is for the 1337
  21. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    lol everyone is keen to become part of teh new whoretown
  22. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    weak, there is a show called roccos on channel 10 looks hc
  23. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    ill leave that to you lol
  24. Keegs

    Tas Whoretown

    why hello joshwa...how are you on this pleasant morning? I dont know why they say that, perhaps we can ask some of the TAS folk???
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