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Everything posted by Keegs

  1. join the club.....wearing clutches are teh bomb
  2. I do have 4 good tyres but I just dont think we've reached the point in our relationship where I feel comfortable in handing over 4 perfectly good drift/shenanigan tyres....especially seen as theyre on my 4 drift/shenanigan rims atm....that and theyre in noosa.
  3. pm'd you back squizz.....
  4. yea, maybe not the size your after though.... btw I'll take teh stillway 34 GTR i know someone is keen to buy it for me!
  5. night
  6. tell cy he's soft, he's required to go and if none of those work tell him that you will let him use the uhf!! He can talk about the fuels homosexual tendancies if need be
  7. *cough* cyrus *cough*
  8. as can we all....say how many are goin to the "meet n greet" tommorow??
  9. i hope you know him and you didnt look through people to find his pic.....
  10. josh has a fetish for his webcam.....dont tempt him with anything further strutto, he might start showing us his "R" rated poses
  11. lmao
  12. who quoted you that?? Seems a little steep to me.
  13. ....letting cyrus into an antique store is bad mmmmkay
  14. Legal Definition of Discrimination: Any distinction, exlcusion, restriction or preferance made on a particular basis, such as race, sex, religion, national origin, maritial status, pregnancy or disability, (CAR DRIVEN) which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or excersise on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field of life (Australian Legal Dictionary, 3rd ed, 2004) Sounds just like discrimination to me.....there is also direct discrimination which goes even deeper about being excluded or preferenced because of a specific feature, ie: our cars. It was all made illegal back in 1986, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commision Act If a cop is being an ass and is fining me for something and they are only pulling over imports im going to ask him if he thinks that he could be in violation of that act and also under what authority has he been told to target particular types of cars. Im almost positive he'll just tell me im a smartass and to move on, but the look on his face when i say it will be priceless and if hes goin to give me the fine anyway i dont care....
  15. i might come on this if some gold coast ppl want to meet somewhere closer/user friendly, as i barely know where im going around here. As for UHF's **Thinks back to noosa cruise** Cyrus: My fuels not gay Charly: The fuel gauge Cyrus: My fuels not gay Charly: THE FUEL GAUGE Cyrus:....ok you get the point.....all those who were on this cruise know what im talking about
  16. i will double check but im pretty sure that in that situation you dont have too. as they dont have tell you when they record....ill check
  17. Pfft stop kidding yourself guys, you know they had a force dedicated to hacking into forums for the purpose of obtaining potentialy illegal modifications to our cars
  18. i hear it has no front bar and never gets driven because teh owner is soft
  19. write a letter to the DOT or the police commisioner of qld stating your reasons that you dont think the fine is right. If you have a complaint about the officer himself send it the the police commisioner and then it gets dealt with from there. They will send you another letter back saying they are "investigating" it, then about a month or so later they will most likely send you another letter saying "we think the fine was justified given the circumstances" or some other bs like that and then you can send another letter back stating you dont give a sh*t what they say and that you wish to take it to court. This process is awfully handy if you need your licence for a few months (if your going to lose if from the fines) as it takes ages to go through. For you adrian it doesnt matter because its no points, so id just send the first letter and see what they say.
  20. As for discrimination thats a big YES. Coz im yet to see a force dedicated to getting rid of the old sh*ttas on the road. Or maybe one dedicated to instead of monitoring young drivers, monitor old ones. Even better again a force dedicated to monitoring all the police that do the wrong thing whilst driving???? The amount of times ive seen them break the road laws for no apparent reason, eg stopping on a street for no reason, reversing up a street to talk to a young person who was minding his own business (looks to josh), talk on their mobiles.....I thought it was learn by example, clearly im wrong.
  21. exactly, even better get a hold of the book mechanics get when they go through training which states the only "legal" way to test exhasuts, height etc. It's well, pretty much impossible to test anything legally. They are supposed to test the device against something impartial every second test, be in a clear 1km area or something, take into account wind, road angle etc etc...list goes on. In short contest everything, sometimes you just never here back , however sometimes it goes to court and costs you money, because the judge thinks your a hoon in a car that goes pssht.
  22. lol i love your style, hope u can find her
  23. Thats clearly the dads fault for not putting in better suspension!!! On a serious note...It used to always amuse me to see these's threads when I lived in noosa and rarely got pulled over. Now i live at the goldcoast and the whole "RBT" pull over crap is kinda wearing thin. Maybe they should start pulling over things like old xf's and the like that are held togehter with a slight amount of bog, cause I for 1 have never seen one of those pulled up with me. Im sure that most skylines are professionaly modified and hence are probably safer than most other cars on the road. Still, I know that this is very, very unlikely to change and so I guess we'll just have to deal with it....that and contest all the fines we can to get our moneys worth of the legal system.
  24. pretty hard to prove negligence in this sort of a case seen as though youd have to prove, they knew it would crack the bar and still went ahead with it, against the wishes of the owner. And i gaurentee you that those signs do mean something, they will hold up in court and so do signed documents. Its the same as a plane ticket.....if you read your plane ticket there is a clause that states the airline can move or postpone your ticket if neccessary. You can winge, moan and even sue, but in the end if its written there and you agree to it there isnt much you can do about it. That has been proven. Im not saying I agree with it im just sayin thats the law and until someone can prove it wrong thats the way it is. IF you can prove negligence and you can prove that they breached their duty of care to you/your car then your sweet. As it was mentioned way before im sure none of this would be necessary as most places will simply help you out as they are covered for it under insurance or they dont wish to get a bad name. my 2c, maybe im wrong but hey im not a lawyer, yet
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