Legal Definition of Discrimination: Any distinction, exlcusion, restriction or preferance made on a particular basis, such as race, sex, religion, national origin, maritial status, pregnancy or disability, (CAR DRIVEN) which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or excersise on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field of life (Australian Legal Dictionary, 3rd ed, 2004)
Sounds just like discrimination to me.....there is also direct discrimination which goes even deeper about being excluded or preferenced because of a specific feature, ie: our cars. It was all made illegal back in 1986, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commision Act
If a cop is being an ass and is fining me for something and they are only pulling over imports im going to ask him if he thinks that he could be in violation of that act and also under what authority has he been told to target particular types of cars. Im almost positive he'll just tell me im a smartass and to move on, but the look on his face when i say it will be priceless and if hes goin to give me the fine anyway i dont care....