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Everything posted by Keegs

  1. From the album: 33NIZ's Gallery

    My car
  2. Keegs


    with every new day comes something new to look forward too, unless your on death row....
  3. Keegs


    it's sitting in the garage with slick tyres...
  4. Keegs


    In my 1)extreme boredom and 2)extremely lame attmept to get everyone to talk more, I have created this thread. The idea, obviously, is to post quotes, preferably car related but its not compulsory. Ones of a humerous nature would be much better than ones that come with realistic goal in mind ...A fine example of this could be degrading the riced and rediculous.
  5. P-a-g-e O-w-n-a-g-e
  6. I finally decided to hook up the broadband at work and now noone is around....wat a let down.
  7. wow its soo dead in here
  8. wow its soo dead in here
  9. nup i was wrong again that one was at 1:09, despite the immense excitment of posting useless garbage, i think i might go to bed now :wavey:
  10. correction that post was at 1:07, this one is 1:08 though if its any concelation...
  11. OMG how exciting is it, posting in here at 1:08am on tuesday morning!!
  12. hey guys, everyone have a good time at jambo?
  13. yea even though everyone has already said it, nengun is where i got my SAFC II, its not that hard to install but can take some time. I think there may even be a thread on it in forced induction, do a search and have a look. If you dont have any idea what your doing then get some help as you have to cut and solder wires on the ecu loom (and you dont want to go screwing around with the wrong wires). Good luck! Matt
  14. There are no restrictions as yet, but they are "planning" to bring in restrictions in regard to the power to weight ratio for provisional license holders. Who knows when this will happen though as these things take time. Mod's must be legal (mod plated). Good luck with the car and welcome to the forums though Matt
  15. There have been numerous precedent cases before this and just because this one is in our favour means almost nothing. Magistrates can decide to overturn or disregard a precedent for many reasons. Despite that, it is a small step towards a fairer system. What I find the most annoying is the fact that we waste 1)tax dollars and 2)time in courts (which are already clogged with, much more worthy offences). Its a waste of time for the police and even worse a waste of time for us. If all fines that were given out where legit then we'd see less clogged courts and much more worthy use of our police force.
  16. page ownage
  17. mornin peeps
  18. Have had a very similar thing happen to me, however the officer was: Off duty and not undercover and on his way home ununiformed. He thought it would be exciting to do me for sitting in the right hand lane for too long. I was randomly passing cars, beside the fact noone ever gets done for this, it was 1am and the highway was almost deserted. He wanted to undertake me on the left but a car was there so he go cut off. He waved his hands around and started yellings comments out. He also thought it would be exciting to highbeam me for a while and chase me until he pulled up beside me flashing badges and yelling out comments. Aside from this to help his claim and to add a bit more excitment he decided swearing and making a few general accusations were ok. "I've had a sh*t day at work and I dont need ppl like you making it worse" I just went along with him agreed and told him i'd just dispute it in court. A letter was sent to the police station by my law firm and the cop decided his actions were justified. We informed them we would be taking it to court. It's been 4 months and I havent heard anything back, funny about that. I'm in no way saying that the police are hopeless and that they're all "out to get us" I know that in many situations I would and will require their help. I'm just saying that some perhaps need to look at what they're doing and make sure their not doing it to satisfy their own need of anger or get back at a stereotyped group (the car group). All in all if it was nanna in her corolla, many of the fines we get simply wouldn't happen. So if you get a fine you think is wrong or unjustified, dispute it. my 5c (2c is rounded down nyway) Matt
  19. so much excitment in whoretown tonight :yawn:
  20. lmao there is sooo much tension and not enough love
  21. hey guys
  22. maybe more information, pics, and a time slip will help you?...and maybe its just me but I was under the opinion that 32 GTR's stopped production in 1993?
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