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Everything posted by Keegs

  1. yea, was pretty good. Noosa isn't exactly the height of excitment for the sunny coast, was an alright run down the highway none the less and its probably the most skylines most of the people around here have ever seen.
  2. nothin too exciting a typical boring sunday in Noosa, how bout you?
  3. hey Eug
  4. lol
  5. lol, I still cant work out this new points system!! I know ya get points everytime you post or whateva but how many do you get each time and how do you know how many you have, do they automaticaly go into the bank?
  6. hey guys
  7. ssshhh thats not the point, we will tell your dad we were limping it around when the power fc went suicidal and upped everything coz it knew it was getting sold! wat a terrible plan... Evenin James
  8. ooohhh im SURE we can make something break!! Me looks up the APEXi USA web site for full power fc instructions....max out everything and go for broke, should be fun
  9. I got funny symbols to, dunno where they came from tho.
  10. yea 600hp skids will be exciting ive got nothin planned yet....we can go to brissy get the car, do some street racing on the way home, skids out at some redneck area and then cruise around so that the plugs foul up so bad that we have to physicaly take them out and clean them just to start the car again??? Sounds like a fun packed night to me!!
  11. You have you license back now, so there is no excuse!
  12. yea..skids ay! Why dont you go get the silvia so we can do some 2bar skids eh..??
  13. under 18's. hoons...hahaha at 25 your gettin old (no offence to over 25's) insurance companies suck!
  14. yea their on there way back now...
  15. hello everyone....anyone??
  16. haha nice!
  17. hey all, anyone else as bored as me??
  18. Thats rediculous, problem is that some idiots may actually try to use this excuse to get off! Getting people to vouch for you the cops, doesnt mean anything to the cops coz they just asume its probably one of your friends. Hope you get off or find the guy ay!
  19. sounds like a plan, i might come to sydney sometime soon. all the relo's live down there. Keep us up to date with how your car finding goes, hope you find wat your after!
  20. ah i see your point. In that case I agree with your decision. But yea i stand by my comments about gettin a workshop to look over it. I wish you the best with finding a car! Matt
  21. I agree with spooks the buyer should definately have to pay otherwise the seller could be forking out heaps everytime theres another buyer! I also agree with EVO83, Darkcoupe i would seriously consider getting a workshop to check over the car, even if your talking about bodywork! RACQ do see imports but they more than likely dont know exactly what to look for, what they dont realise is that these are second hand cars, from japan. Get a workshop to look over the car before you make a decision racq are always going to point out even the stupidist of things becoz it covers there behind legally! A workshop will tell you if its something that is REALLY going to be a problem!
  22. Yea the problem with people like racq is that they aren't used to looking at imports etc all day long. They aren't really experts in knowing what to look for on a skyline for example. IMHO you are better off taking it to a workshop, who actually knows cars and knows what to look for and what not to worry about. racq will go over the car but may only point out things that are not going to ever make a difference! I know a guy who sent a relativley new range rover for an inspection and they claimed that the rotors were undersized when in fact they had never been changed....so yea i suppose they can be good but I think a waste of money that could be better spent paying a workshop to really look over your car. My 2c
  23. Car is still available, I thought it was sold today however it fell through. Anyone interested feel free to pm or email me. Cheers Matt
  24. pics to niz33@bigpond.com asap looking to buy in this week if not next.
  25. looking at 24,900 with sound system, its genuinley worth around 6000 installed. If your interested pm or email me and we can talk further. The plates will most likely sold with the car, until its sold im going to keep them.
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