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Everything posted by Keegs

  1. bullshit..?
  2. lol...40 posts to go..
  3. sif
  4. new pg..
  5. post
  6. rofl at 2clix reference, that case hasn't been decided yet and there's no way they're winning anyway, flame away
  7. won't have to wait long, storms are expected this Friday and Saturday lol.
  8. hahaha...if you're referring to the chaser skit on that, it's sooo funny. Those guys are champs!!
  9. thanks Dan, I <3 you too.
  10. lol!! I dunno, hows a criminal record, and an expensive civil suit sound to you?? Honestly marki, we've been through this before. Get over it. What, you know a few people on this forum who aren't fond of me? How genuinely sad this makes me. I know people who think the same of you, does it really matter at the end of the day? No, not really, unless your seriously vested in making everyone on this forum like you. I don't know what your social status is Marki, but I don't depend on this forum for friends.
  11. hype or true story?
  12. So sad, a harmless joke and next thing we have people bringing out all the stops with the school yard "mum jokes"....where is the world heading?
  13. geez, you're really cutting me deep with the mum jokes...surely you have something better Marki.
  14. bryn, a comment of such humerosity should not be lost on a single page in whoretown...lol
  15. ahhh ok. I'd wondered why you've been on so much as of late. Truth be told, i'm hardly on here anymore either, just random luck that I logged on the other night and caught up with everyone.
  16. Dad, or Mum, were probably going to the airport, they always drive that to the airport because lexus gives free valet for the duration of your time away and free cleaning...they milk the services haha.
  17. hahaha, nah he's said nothing of the sort, but i'll ask him next time I talk to him. Yeah his tint is dark lol.
  18. Post up some more pics of the m3 Chris, I can live my obsession through you for the time being.
  19. it's a white IS200, its yet to get custom plates...the car with the plate "KEEGS" is on my dads lexus IS250 (which is silver), so I have to settle for "KEE65" haha. Dad lives in Noosa though, so I don't think you would have seen his car.
  20. all is well...watching today tonight talk garbage about some private investigator breaking up marriages..
  21. Hey Chris, how goes it this fine evening?
  22. I don't know how you haven't gotten the shits and given up by now Shane...
  23. how's everyone today?
  24. lol
  25. geez...you're pissed off, byrn is feeling down, starting to cover the emotional field lol.
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