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Everything posted by Keegs

  1. If you want a quick sale, lower the price. Like Warwick said 17k would be a good starting price to work down from. Get rid of it before July 1st when all the teen racers can no longer buy skylines....then prices will drop further and 17k will seem like a dream price.
  2. i dunno whats going on but whingers in whoretown can GTFO....possibly
  3. get it revoked (cancelled etc)...you're fcked, suspension doesn't matter as you haven't actually "lost" your license merely suspended....you don't have to take the test again and you're not obtaining your P's again....hence no new license and you don't have to adhere to the new laws.
  4. nice..
  5. am I bored?
  6. big skids?
  7. skids?
  8. how much?
  9. whore..
  10. bargain ftw!!!
  11. 15 - 2 tickets at bcc...bargain!!
  12. going to see wild hogs tonight...should be ok....
  13. werd..
  14. This car sounds a long way from roadworthy...serious breach of the TPA depending on how they sold this car to you and what they did/didn't disclose. Unless you got it REALLY cheap i'd be demanding money back, cut n shut jobs are bad enough, let alone a dodgily done one. Good luck with everything mate. Matt
  15. Keegs

    Rb20 Or Rb25?

    stoking a 20 to a 24 is more effort than it's worth and it's not cheap anyway! With your budget, just stick to putting in a 20 again. You're going to have to pay someone to take it out, someone to put it all back in....and depending on where you go you'll use up your budget quicker than you probably think. Remeber he's not doing any of this himself....I assume? If you're LUCKY you'll have a bit of left over money for some bolt ons.
  16. Keegs

    Rb20 Or Rb25?

    What's your budget??? I'm taking it from this post it's way to low ie: 3k and under.
  17. Marc's exactly right......I think you'll fall from a far height once you realise what it is your actually trying to do and who is/isn't willing to help you. I think you'll find the media more an enemy than a friend on this particular issue.
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