Startup up my R33 this morning, and noticed small amount of white smoke coming from the exhaust. Almost looked exactly like condensation, but to be safe, I drove it into the shed and started to dismantle.
Took the intercooler piping off. Found oil
Took the cam cover breather pipes off. Found oil
So I cleaned out what I could, put it all back together to drive down the road to a garage.
Started the car to make sure I put everything back together right, then smoke started filling up the shed.
It was coming from the exhaust/turbo side. So I thought blown exhaust gasket.
Then realised the oily mess I found before, could of been coming from the turbo and the smoke I can see is it burning.
So I removed the o2 sensor to take a quick peek for any traces of oil.
As soon as I took it off, white smoke started coming out if the hole. Not much, but looked similar to the steam you get when a kettles finished boiling.
So my question is, does this indicate that my turbo seals have blown?
Or could it be that oil is being pushed through the cam cover breathers going into the intake?
Im really hoping the seals on the piston havent blown