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    r33 gtst, vn commo
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  1. ill flash someone when im out of site of the cop / camera and if i respect the car they driver cant afford for them to loose there license and that nice car go to waist
  2. state-------------------------------------->WA region/suburb-------------------------->Gooseberry Hill/kallamunda street name---------------------------->zig zag scenic drive start point (number/cross road)-->gooseberry hill rd + williams street type-------------------------------------->extreme down hill google maps (link)------------------->http://maps.google.com.au/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&q=zig+zag+scenic+drive+wa&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x2a32c75ea7ff5581:0xeeed6b8975998d67,Zig+Zag+Scenic+Dr,+Gooseberry+Hill+WA+6076&gl=au&ei=fPmSTrLYI86ziQet3cyEDg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCEQ8gEwAA
  3. ok the plan is to make a big list of all the decent driving roads around the country. copy and fill out state--------------------------------------> region/suburb--------------------------> street name----------------------------> start point (number/cross road)--> type--------------------------------------> google maps (link)-------------------> hope this works well.
  4. I have adjustable lower arms but the rod end looks like its wound all the way in, uppers might be the way to go
  5. just stuck my head under the back of my car an noticed that the tires are worn on the inside something cronic. its got a hicas bar and lower control arms installed, but what do i need to straighten the tires up a bit? it also feels as if the rear end wonders around a bit when i bring on the boost (no wheel spin) just throwin it out there, im new to skylines, just gettin some rough answers.
  6. rawbie


    there is a "running on empty" cruise saturday night 8pm at the cause-way carpark on riverside drive.
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