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Mick Trainer

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Everything posted by Mick Trainer

  1. Will we be able to get a garage?
  2. Like the reflection on the side of the car in this photo.
  3. Bargain. Should be snapped up. Glws
  4. Just a pic I like taken in Shoreham in Vic. Like the light on the car with the backdrop etc.
  5. It's 2.8 with -5's. Putting the V-cam on has made a massive difference. So much more low down and driveability. Added more top end but low down is the biggest difference. Step 1 Vcam. http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/460180-hks-step-1-v-cam/?hl=%2Bvcam#entry7619453
  6. How beautiful is that? Simply magical.
  7. Racepace for me as well.
  8. 1000cc injectors. Bosch
  9. I'll check on injectors as the car came with two sets and one of them was the ones we used but they may be 1000cc. Seems more likely. It cost a bit. I'll say no more Mick.
  10. Above dyno sheet engine specs. I'm taking a cue from whats above so this is what I know. N1 Block. RPM 2.8 build. (don't know huge details) Garret 2860-5 Turbos RPM 4inch exhaust (twin 2.5 in tips) HKS Vcam HKS Cam Gears E85 set up (Pumps etc) Power FC 120mm intercooler N1 oil pump N1 water pumps. Sard 700cc injectors Nismo AFMs I think thats all thats relevant. Has sump mods etc as well but figure not making a difference as far as power goes.
  11. Just a small change from the last time I posted a pic.
  12. I've been to India. Great place with amazing people and incredible life there. It is a massive culture clash when you first get there but if you embrace it you'll really enjoy it. Take probiotics and take them everyday. Just embrace the place and go with what ever it throws at you. On the whole they are very friendly, non threatening people. Have very fond memories of my time there. Enjoy. Mick.
  13. Awesome vid. What a day to spend.
  14. Do you all have the front guard liners? If so what Condition are they in?
  15. http://racing.natsoft.com.au/638235975/object_448015.85G/Result?20
  16. Hoping someone can answer this but wouldn't running the car on the dyno in third change the results making the car appear to come on faster? I realise the engine hasn't changed and is only putting out the same power/torque etc but being in third would put the force to the dyno faster changing the result? A car certainly accelerates faster in third as the ratio allows the power to put force through the tyres to the road faster. Just trying to understand why someone would run a car in third instead of fourth. Mick
  17. My engine bay is pretty plain which is the way I like it
  18. Thanks everyone. Tells me what I need to know.
  19. As the title says I'm looking for opinions on doing this upgrade. I have the standard 33gtr lights at the moment and I've increase globe wottage, run relays to make sure it is enough voltage and I've set them up so I can run the low and high beams together when needed (I've run this off a switch so I can use them when I want them) and I've had the head lights refurbed to make sure they as as clean and reflective as possible but still the lights are very average. So I'd like to hear from people who have used both the standard and the xenons and how good an upgrade was it. I know where I can get some and can pay the price if they will truly improve the lighting. I drive a lot at night and really like good lights. I know the xenons look heaps better on the car but I'm more asking regarding how much better was the vision. In short is the upgrade worth it? Mick.
  20. Here's on the photographer who took the pics around the right edge gave me. Sits prime in the garage.
  21. Out the front of an abandon General Store. Just like the shot.
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