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Everything posted by racsov500

  1. why would you bother..
  2. not really. if you dont know how to do amore complex jo properly and you put the car back together wrong, itll end in tears. having someone who has done it a million times before looking over your sholder is heaps better, cause if your gonna do something stupid they step in and correct you. and you always know the jobs done right. but yes, any decent mechanic will be spending thousands on tools. if your just a home mechanic then a bigger kmart kit might do, but if your serious you start looking at brands like snapon, kinchrome, CGL ect
  3. im currently doing a apprentiship, which means I go to the workshop and work (and get paid for it) and go to tafe as well (this is payed for by the government). you learn alot from just doing simple jobs - its one thing to know how to do it, but you never realise how hard some things can be until you actually do them. you get to work on all kinds of cars (depends where you work though) and at the end of it your fully qualified. bad parts is that its 3 or 4 years long (still quicker than a uni course) and the pay is crap. but you never have to pay labour for working on your car again and you get parts at trade prices
  4. tie rods are always tricky. youll need to smack the end of the rod pretty hard with a hammer. put the castle nut just on the thread so that you wotn screw the thread up from accidentally hitting it, and the tie rod wont go flying out when it finally works loose. hit the ball joint part of he tie rod or the part of the hub the rod bolts too. you can also try a fork splitter, about 10 bucks from repco.
  5. yeah but which ones do the alarms not sound gay?
  6. r31s slogan was 'We, motor sports'
  7. there is a good possibility ill be coming in the silo time to pop my SAU cruise cherry
  8. why do the japanese have an obssesion with tiny pics on their websites
  9. Im assuming because it Jenesis kit, its for 30s?
  10. racsov500


    DO NOT buy it without knowing whats wrong with it, from a trusted mechanic. get your own RWC done, if hes supplying it it could be dodgy, which is what it sounds like..
  11. found this neat link http://www.geocities.jp/mario02282000/japansaikyou.htm scroll down to the bottom for links
  12. that is absoloutly beautiful shame about the engine though, needs a bigger capacity one with a carby.. or 3
  13. lol I have this tiny tomy rc car, about the size of a 50 cent coin and its got an r34 shell, batteries last abou 10 mins then you recharge it off the remote. pretty sweet but i havent used it for about 3 years cause the cars battery stopped chargng properly
  14. I was talking about weight balance its about 70/30 or 60/40 on a hoist, on a normal frount engine car the middle is about halfway down the drivers door, thats how it is at my work looks like thyve put it on the hoist as a normal car oh and with the 350z, it would have been balanced fine until they took the rear cradle out weve had cars at work with no rear ends in them and havent had any problems again its just about making sure youve got the centerpoint of balance right
  15. its cause its a mid engines car, hoists are balanced for normal cars. if they out it in facing the other way, or just moved the car more forward between the poles it wouldnt have fallen
  16. 2.25' is bigger than factory, but ideally you want 2.5" are you talking aboutt he charcoal canister? is this an R32? rb30 r32 eh...
  17. that car is gorgeous I would have seriously considered it if you were in QLD
  18. remember the suburban? and how no one bought them? "unparalleled off-road ability". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MY ASS
  19. australian import scene is heaps better than the US one isnt it
  20. need for speed is the worst game for drifting gran turismo isnt a drift game but with practise and a well set up car it very possible D1GP is apparently shit road rage 3 is a god touge game, but its very old and dim, dull menus, dull sound ect
  21. hahahah the music makes it alot better
  23. use a rb20 box, r32 auto comp/wiring is prob different. people throw out import auto boxes cause no one wants em balljoint should be do you mean whole struts or just shocks? head over to the r31 forums, heaps more info nice car btw
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