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Everything posted by Aegats

  1. Hi, Looking at getting a Nissan Stagea M35 2001+ model. Preferably Silver. Not too fused if its another colour. RS, RX preferred again, the A-RX looks good but those flared arches look too Volvo, Holden, Subaru to me. Leather interior doesn't really do it for me either. Budget wise I'm looking at around the $15k mark, can go higher if I see something special. Car must be located in NSW, I've seen some good ones interstate but the hassle of getting it registered here is too much. KMS aren't too fussy but maybe under the 100k mark. If have fully service records and the like and condition is great will consider . I've had a look at a few dealers and just want to see what private sellers have to offer. Hit me up if you know or hear anything good out there. Come on guys don't make me end up getting a Toyota Camry .
  2. Damn thats nice. Why aren´t there any good ones like that in nsw. Good luck with the sale.
  3. Looking to buy a M35 and they all seem to have kms around the 50-60k mark. Can't be coincidence that all the owners in Japan managed to do the same amount of kms. Might be some are legitimate but I doubt all would be same ballpark. I would expect them to be more around the 80k mark especially being that the Stagea is a wagon and not a sports car that people would only drive over the weekend in good weather.
  4. Nice, shame not in NSW. Looks good.
  5. True Northshores cars did look better as they are kept inside (the one I was looking at was in the shop front and was nice and clean), will pass by Japlink after work on Friday and take a look at them again. I passed by Japlink last sunday but I was in a rush so didnt really spend time looking at the cars.
  6. Thanks for the tip regarding the garden hose and the belts. Will have a go when I check out the car again. Yeah only drove the car to about 3500-4000rpm, just the didnt give the car enough push. There are 2 cars there that I´m checking out, so will try them again and this time push it abit harder.
  7. From memory the time I picked the sound up was when I had just started moving, started the car and was talking to the guy then a few seconds later after leaving the drive way is when I picked it up. So car was just above idle but not really moving fast maybe about 1500rpm or so Drove the car to about 3500rpm and it sounded good, didnt really hear the noise any more.
  8. Yeah thats what I´m worried about if its a bigger issue than just a slipping fan belt. How does one differentiate if its a slipping fan belt or a deeper problem? Nah I´m open to all M35s. The ARX just looks pretty good. Everyone on here seems to have good things to say about Northshore, good to hear. The silver ones look particularly good.
  9. I did ask the guy ant Northshore about it and he said he would tighten it and I hoping when the mechanic goes to take a look at it over the next few days then all will be good. I checked out Jetwreck´s car specs and looks good. The asking price of 18,5k non negotiable is the only killer for me. Thanks for the offer zie20I. I´ve been there and already had a look at the cars but never hurts to have a second pair of eyes check it out especially one that knows more about the cars than me. PM incoming.
  10. SGIC doesnt seem to be in NSW. NRMA do insure though. I went and checked a Stagea ARX M35 at North shore presitge and liked what I saw. I´m not in a rush to but so I´ll still keep my eyes open for something. Was down at Japlink and really wasnt too impressed with the cars, looked abit dirty on the outside. If I do go through with the car will get a mechanic to look over it. There was a small whine from the engine, sounded like the fan belt slipping. The guy there said it was just a case of tightning it. Still I´d rather hear that from some one not biased. So any one have any ideas if the guys at MTA pre purchase are any good at checking out the car? The thing is I want to buy a car and not really want it to turn it into a moneypit. I´m all for upgrades just not fixing a lot of issues.
  11. Thanks for the welcome, looking at getting a M35.
  12. So with replacing the turbo that 2-3k figure is that with a mechanic doing it for me (including labour and parts). I´m not the most mechanically minded person coupled with not having a garage makes it hard to do. I could possibly do oil changes but living in the inner west all I have is back lane. With Insurance will check out Just cars. Well going to see some cars at Northshore and Japlink today and will see. To Iamhe77 I was just asking if any one had used Prestige Auto because I saw that they have M35´s and wanted to know if anyone on here has any experience with them. Still everyone say Northshore so I´ll be going there to see what they have.
  13. Cool will check out Northshore prestige and Japlink over the weekend. Does any have any recomendations on who I should get to inspect the car, the usual are NRMA but being an import would prefer someone who has good knowledge of the car. Any reviews on Prestige auto center
  14. Hi All, The time has come for me to get a car (never owned a car but plenty of motorbikes) and the Nissan Stagea caught my eye. I like the look of the M35. Looking around there seem to be quite a few on the net. So far from viewing the topics on here I see that the car is prone to rusting under the mirrors. What else in particular to this model does one need to look at. I'll most likely get a mechanic to look it over, so does any have any recommendations for one in the inner west Sydney? Whats the servicing costs like on one of them? I can't do it myself as don't have a enclosed garage and not really car savvy. The grey import status does this now create a problem getting rego done and insurance as well. Got a few more questions but don't want to overload people on here. Thanks for your help everyone.
  15. Hey all, Just introducing myself to the forum. Don't have a car yet but that's why I'm on here just got a few questions. Cheers everyone.
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