I used to be with NRMA for 2 years with my Stagea and they were ok but the prices just kept going up. I had a minor incident (not my fault) and they resolved it easily.
I'm now with Just car but never made a claim so not sure how they are to deal with in that regards.
What idiot buys a new jeep, especially after seeing those shitty ads they do.
I bough a jeep.
You bough a jeep
Well you're a ducking idiot for buying one.
Mine has done 100k Kms (doubtful of the number) and turbo is noisy. When I first got the car it was concerning but just got to live with it. I like the sound it makes.
Sometimes it makes this funny whoshing sound but yeah so far its been ok.
I've got some cash set aside for when it goes but I'm going to put off high flowing till maybe mid next year.
I'm with NRMA and my policy is up for renewal. I'm looking at other insurers as NRMA charge me $1500 or so with $16k agreed value. Over 30 and live in the inner west.
I'll try Shannons as well.
Damn it, first this then my bike wont start and had to leave it at the servo. This just isnt my week.
Hopefully Classone still has his how to on it.
Now off to look for a new motor and get my bike before it gets pinched.
Any pics of how to. My boot won´t open at all. Not sure whats wrong with it. I can open it using the manual release on the inside but using the outside button nothing happens.
Any ideas whats wrong?