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Everything posted by m.j.h

  1. If I saw this in time and the car was washed I would have been keen
  2. No idea but they had to go to make room for the new kitchen Now im waiting for the plaster joint filler stuff to dry so I can sand and paint the walls
  3. So has Benji gone into hiding yet? Been a productive day today as I couldn't get the old tiles off the wall in the kitchen without destroying the wall in the process Decided to cut the gyprock and tiles out completely and put some new sheets up. Just finished setting it and can sand and undercoat tomorrow
  4. I don't watch the news much What channel and where was it at?
  5. What between you and Jarred??????????
  6. Giggity
  7. You wish hahahahahaha
  8. My bad then So the 26th for Maitland then? Or something else the week after? I'm to tired to think now, wife has been keeping me busy
  9. I thought we where planning the Stockton get together first
  10. f**k I'm an idiot The 26th is the Maitland Motrfest The 25th maybe? Or is everyone busy on Saturdays? Orrrrrrr could make it the weekend after
  11. Okay how does the 26th of August sound for everyone? Or should we let Wedge set a date so we know when he will be in town?
  12. Yeah no worries Haven't driven booral road but drive the buckets way at least once a week and Stroud hill road probably once a month and every time I'm on that climb I wish I had the Skyline and not a truck weighing 14+ tonees
  13. Sounds good to me when are we going?
  14. If you're really game you could let my wife drive it She keeps telling me how she is a better driver than me
  15. + eleventy for that being a nice car
  16. You sure you aren't describing the buckets way with pothole cover up all along I know it's bad enough in the truck going along but if you think it's fine then I'll add another option that instead of turning off keep going and just north of Stroud turn onto Stroud Hill Road and cut along to Dungog. The road starts out at 100 and nice sweepers but once you start the climb would be brake power out in second to the next corner and brake again with maybe a touch of third gear on the short straights
  17. You will have fun Only advice I can give you is whatever you are thinking of spending double it Oh and go to the Mirage for tea one night I went there and ordered a steak. Cost $55 U.S but for the 24 ounces was worth every cent
  18. Enough but could do with more to keep the pace up on some of the hills
  19. Also spotted a white 33 or 34 not sure which going from Cardiff to the Crossroads this arvo whilst I was stopped on the side of the road on the phone Sounded sweet as it went past
  20. The truck I drive has 10kw per tonne
  21. I LOLed hard
  22. I remember when the wife and I were on the return from our honeymoon and we had a 5 hour wait at Los Angeles airport Managed to check in super early and leave the bags as well so got a cab to the pub and had a few drinks as well as a nice walk along the beach and out on one of the piers Good times Oh and Vegas f**kin rocks
  23. Found it see below Put up the EOI and will post in the events next week Will ring the guy back on Sunday to book a few spots as there seems to be a bit of interest Have a look on google maps at the back roads from Bolwarra to Singleton Basically go along Maitland Vale rd then along Stanhope Rd and turn onto Elderslie Rd and go along till you get to Gresford Rd to go into Singleton Or we could meet at say Hexham for a cruise and lunch to Nelson Bay or somewhere Let's see what everyone thinks
  24. Sounds like a good distance to me I think I posted one in here somewhere as well not sure of distance though
  25. No drink for you j/k I can has copy of disc pleze?
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