hey so this is my first post here on skylines au. im from canada and ive been trying to figure this one out for months now and nobody over there can figure it out so hopefully one of you guys can help me out with your wisdom!
okay so heres the problem:
i had an rb20det in my s13, then blew the head gasket on that motor, so i went and got and series 1 rb25det motor. i swapped that one into my s13 and its running great, but missing some power so i go to figure out how to hook up the vct. im still using the 5 speed rb20det wiring harness, and am using an automatic rb25det ecu series 1. since the rb20det doesnt have vct i read the wiring diagrams, and added a pin to the harness on pin 113 for the vct function. i ran that wire to one side of the vct solenoid, and the other wire on the solenoid to switched 12V. but the vct still wont function. i meter out the soenoid harness and i get 12v swtiched on one side, and no ground continuity on the other, ive tried it as im driving, idling, reving, but still no ground coming from pin 113. i opened the ecu and metered the circuit board to the solenoid plug and there is continuity so i know the pin is connecting. at first i didnt have a neutral sensor hooked up but i read i needed that so i wired the neutral gear switch pin to ground so the ecu always thinks it is in gear, but it still will not make vct turn on. i have a speed sensor connected aswell and still nothing. i tried a 5 speed ecu aswell but it didnt change anything. i cannot figure this out please someone help me i am about to throw my rb25 off a bridge because i am not getting anymore power than what i already had with the rb20!