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The sweed

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Everything posted by The sweed

  1. I have a terrible time trying to find the color code for my Stagea autech version 260RS series 1 1997. It is some kind of white pearl. On the chassie plate it says WK1 but I got the painter to do samples and that color does not look right. Engine number etc is not correct either. I figgured out that Autech did not remove or change it when they modified the stageas to the autech 260rs versions. That is why the color code doesn´t match. PLEASE HELP!!!
  2. I have a stagea rs260 from -97 and tries to get my hands on a full set of series 2 tail lights.. Series 2 is from -98 to 2001 right? Does the 2001 tail lights both the corners and the ones on the tailgate fit the series 1 -97 ' I have sorced a set of the rear corners from a -98 and the ones that is supposed to go on the tailgate is from a 2001.. I just want to make sure those will fit my car before I pay for them.. So I am hoping for a fast response..
  3. Thanks Bubba and Mike for your input and Pm:s.. It is greatly appriciated and i hope I can use it.. I am not looking for any anormus towing weights.. I just want it to tow my trailer witch is rated to 1500kg total. 1300kg is fine for me too. My rs260 is 1720kg so it is not unreasoanble I think.. But I need to prove that the Stageas body and chassie can handle it dispite the wich weight the towbar is rated to. I have ordered the 256 pages owners manual and put my name in for the workshop manual. I hope it will be available soon. I forgot to call the workshop in japan today but will try tomorrow.
  4. Damn it.. The only thing I can think of now is tryng to call a japanise nissan work shop that is listed as english speaking on Nissan japans website.. I would still be super greatful if everybody that has a ownersmanual, workshop manuals or any documentation whatsoever about the car could lookup if ther is anything about towing weigts in them. The ones who finds it findes the holy Grail.. ha ha I will pay for usefull information.
  5. Oh yeah?? Have you been looking also or know of lots others?
  6. Finaly somthing to go on.. Thanks alot.. I´ll check it out.. I got 2 asweres today. One from I guy that works for Nissan Nordic and he said after a week of reserch that it was a very rare car and that it was not designd for towing. I got the feeling that he gave me that answer because they couldn´t find information about it. The other place Dekra is a european certification company and thy couldn´t find any spec for the stagea.. Serch continue....
  7. Not if the towbar are rated higher than what Nissan designed the car to handle. Ether way in this case it doesn´t matter. The athoretis here in Sweden needs to know what the car it self are alowed to tow from the manufacturer. Sence the Stagea is not sold in Europe Nissan here in Sweden is not intrested to help me very much. That is why I am looking elsewere. That´s the athoreties laws and rules and it is up to me to prove it in order to make it road legal. I am not intrested in were to get a tow bar or what the towbar manufacturer rate their towbare to etc. I already have a towbar. I need ANY info from Nissan or Autech what they approve the car to tow to make the athoreties here happy so I can use the car with the tow bar legaly..
  8. I have seen a lot of manuals and broshyrs for sale on ebay but I don´t want to buy it if it doesn´t have the information I need in it.
  9. I have looked through those 16 pages but I can´t find any info.. I already have a towbar I only need to prove for the athoreties here what the VEHICLE are allowed to tow not how much the towbars are approved for. I am getting desperet here. I have no use of my car if I cant use it for towing stuff. I did not know how hard it was.. I thought it was easy when I saw alot of guys using it for towing. The athoreties here are extreamly bureaucratic. No one has anything from nissan somwhere? Like in a sales broshyrs, service manuals, owners manuals, accessorie catalogs etc?
  10. Thankyou for your input.. Wolverine what brand is your towbar? Next time anybody is going to the Nissan Dealership in Austraila PLEASE check if they can give any info on the Stageas S1 -97 maximum towing weight. Pick a modle that is closest to the rs 260. A 4wd with manual gearbox.. Was any modle of the Stagea ever sold in Austrailia?
  11. I have just got my hands on a nice Stagea rs260 -97 and are about to get it registered here in Sweden.. I have a tow bar for it and in the registration process here to make it road legal I need to prove what the stagea are allowed to tow in order to have the towbar mounted and use it leagely.. It is not enough haveing papers for the towbar and what it can tow. I need to prove what the viecle are approved to tow. I have serched around on the net for a week and alot of hours but came up empty. Have anyone an Idé were I can find any info on this?? Nissan here are not any help. They will only support viecles that are sold in Sweden. I have tried to find a e-mail adress for any Nissan related workshop or office in japan but they don´t seem to like email very much sence I can´t find any emailadress to them or to autech. Has anyone found anything about towing in any sales broshyrs, service manuals, owners manuals, accessorie catalogs etc? Any help finding this out is greatly appreciated..
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