Hey guys in the prrocess of swapping my ta22 for a r33 s2, but having trouble getting a roadworthy. Need a clutch fan in good condition ie no cracks and where to get it done.
I took it to jacks fyshwick, 1st they tell me its defected, the owner (who i work with) was like WTF? rang shopfront and it turns out the defect was cleared and 2010 and he has only owned it and got a roadworthy in jan this year.
Then they when we go to pick it up they say they didn do it because it has a mbc and it needs to be engineeered.
so i say no worries ill just remove it (10 seconds effort) and there like no we dont want to inspect it. what a pack of S@#T C@#$S
So wheres good to get a roadworthy in canberra pref southside and yeah if anyone has a clutch fan in good nic, let me know.