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Everything posted by Pattey21

  1. Cheap Chinese shit 2G for nearly $30 GTFO!
  2. Hey mate how much for the plastic boot trim piece that sits over the boot lock, posted to Caldwell 2905
  3. Yeah should use a new filter for flushing, and a new one after.
  4. I do a lot of ks per week and also like knowing when empty is empty and that my fuel gauge and light are accurate. When I get a new car I flush the entire fuel system twice with new filters. I'll drive around normally until I get low. I'll then got to my spot where road is dead flat and do laps till I get a sign that its near empty. I then pull over fill up with the jerry can and reference the gauge point and always stay above it as a safeguard point. I change the fuel filter too again. Its not necessary but that's what I do.
  5. WTB boot plastic boot garnish that goes over the boot latch. Managed to explode it whern taking out me luggage to quickly testerday afternoon
  6. Actually maybe 40th Ann have the feature
  7. Just some info about batteries. For our modern enough skyline cars our alternators output it sufficient enough generally 70A+ to choose essentually the biggest battery you can fit (length and width)with correct terminals, venting requirement, orientation in a pre-detemined space from generic retailers(lead acid). Height should be equivalent of OEM to prevent fouling or non-conformance to ventilation requirements. Best battery to buy for r33 cheap is a 67ef or equavalent (EF falcon) that will bolt in. I usually change to large terminals as there is a bigger variety and generally cheaper pricing. I also connected a second earth.
  8. Yeah falcon one used but you need to rewire tps. But thats only an issue if its an issue for you. If you do change be sure to port match tb to upper intake manifold. Revs out cleaner and doesn't choke up top. My old r31..
  9. what have you done to your r31 wagons. Did you fit those extractors? What fuel you use in it; should run 15deg if running 91RON 18deg if running 95 and 20deg if running 98. I had a ka24 tb on mine too and port matched it bolt on and same tps. I have a soft spot for the dirty 30's
  10. Exactley. If you can be bothered to do even attempt to do your own research, just reside in the non-car topic threads. Threads like this and the 1k thread is turning the A.C.T section into the "Skyline Fanboy Muppet" section.
  11. Thanks champ, heard you went around to my friends to get some rocker covers.
  12. Pretty much sums up this thread.
  13. Super cheap sell a heavy duty CLR for exactly this sort of problem
  14. Yeah that was me
  15. its under the intake on most cars . Pretty easy to get off.
  16. That's what I read.At the very least have a browse first and have some idea. Starting up new threads about such covered fundamental information just dumbs down the A.C.T section. There is a wasteland thread after all. Anyway, I use penrite HPR5 SN grade fully synthetic, good value for money.
  17. There are so many threads on all this information in forced induction. If you bothered to search instead of being lazy you would find an abundance of information. For someone that has such a high post count you really are a noob.
  18. nice work! Shame I couldn't come. What tire were you running?
  19. its a "boost" solenoid if its not on boost who cares. Just run I hose straight from if bung to waste gate running less boost is not an issue.
  20. this was 5:40am btw
  21. With a bit of luck a kangaroo of karma will fly thorugh his windscreen kick him in the face. Speaking of kangaroo's i escorted one down outrim ave calwell this morining when i was on the way to the gym. Had my hazards on going about 30 with a kangaroo infront of me. Got some wierd looks from oncoming traffic.
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