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About jaqule

  • Birthday 09/03/1978

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    BrisvagasGC Job:driftpiolt

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    R32 GTST4drluv
  • Real Name
    MR Jangles AKA:Beau

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  1. Lovely day tiday
  2. It is a Japanese trend to have a hang ring from a train on your tow hook, designed to show that if you had the ring just touching the ground, you car was low enough to be cool.
  3. You guys have been ragging on a guy with a LS1 in a 33, but I have been in a 33 with a 1UZ
  4. Lol CHAOS was the Effing Mayor of Whoretown
  5. Yeah I'm ten years in Feb I think I still have my old SAU QLD member card with member #12 Also have a SAU t-shirt I still wear now and then with the old tail lights logo
  6. I don't remember you Nick , sorry People I do remember impact blue Predator Chaos Cyras Mud
  7. I just used this old account to buy a set of VSKF's form JDM concept, have to wait 12 weeks for delivery now
  8. Horray I still know someone in here *Beau waves his hand*
  9. I wonder if I still know anyone in here ??
  10. time for me to get a fake ID if there is r35's for hire
  11. looks good but can get brand new for $600 , would you take $350 ?
  12. And ofcourse me at Nikko Deep dish looks cool and makes a good bin too I ended up running too wide and bending my rear arm in the sand ( you can also see where I used my seatbelt to hold up the pipe for session or two before it melted lol ) So that was our Japan trip, I highly recomend it to everyone to go there and do a matsuri once !!
  13. I have been very laxy since I got home but here is the last lot of pics. This is a really old castle used for war during the Shogun days of Japan This is from a tourist ninja house that was used as a film set for alot of old ninja movies who is bigger? Aaron is now a ninja
  14. Cars spotted this is the lexus convertion on the Aristo from the first page
  15. Here is the seconed last pic post before we head home, in this one is Luke's wedding with night before nightclub bucks party, Aarons Tokyo grappeling comp and other random shit. Back in luke's ninja palace The wild flowers are very pretty here. She is still good for "One more time" Hitting the clubs for Luke's bucks how hot is this chick/dude 6 hrs later Part of the wedding Crazy fashion Aaron having a dude look at his stuff lol Aaron did very well , but was serverly f**ked over by a few rules he didn't know about, and was denied a chance to come home with a bag of gold. As you can see he goes to a bad ass gym, as nearly every guy there kicked ass.
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