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Everything posted by jaqule

  1. Went and started up my new line today , makes a strange sound like the belts are to tight or something , and the damm tacho does not work , importers going to go get it fixed
  2. Waiting for a reply to pm from sed8 can anyone else help , or know anyone who is dismantiling , as I need dash plastics too
  3. Cyrus is it still hanging on
  4. :wavey: Guten Tag Heir Froline
  5. where are you I would not mind coming over for a look
  6. Hay Sam how are ya :wavey:
  7. hay Niz are you sellingh somthing I think I just looked at your thread ??
  8. I am quite sure everyone else has gone too bed or still out and about , I know what Ben's / Cyrus's secret is MMMMWWUUUHAHAHAHA Yeah talk about team Dodge on his BOV , make sure you get those pics Ben before he takes it off !!@^*#$(#&*#^@&*@(
  9. I soooooooooooooooo now how you feel
  10. Yeah maybe it's just a winter thing to cold to post
  11. Nah you do it you need the pics to explain it , I will check it out when I get back
  12. Don't take to long I have to go out soon
  13. You can post it up ben , I will just stand back and take all the glory
  14. Hay Ben I only just got on too , net was off at my house
  15. Line was complienced today , but now they tell me I have to regi it before I can mod it , and I can;t get time off work to do it AAAHHHHH
  16. :wavey:
  17. Hi Erin , Hello Cyrus
  18. Chris i tried to call you today about the seats ?
  19. got Benji to keep yoo compony
  20. Any spots left , would love to check it out , get rid of these NOOB skills I currently own
  21. I will keep an eye out maybe even both of them , same color I am getting on my 33 , hope I haven't jinxed myself
  22. I hope so maybe abit of this too :inlove: :whackit: :69: :boobies2: :cuddle: :love: :boobs:
  23. nah not going G/F coming over for dinner
  24. I am here
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