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Everything posted by jaqule

  1. looks like a stll in the thread
  2. what are you on FULX >
  3. I would but I don't have a scanner yet , and all THOSE kind of photo's are packed waiting for me to find a place to live
  4. or she has just left us here , to sit in her chair of power and watch us post all night , while she plots our demise ......... or she just does not feel like talking until thier is somthing worth talking about ??
  5. tell all now
  6. why is'nt Erin saying anything she is just sitting there , hello Nismo girl how are you
  7. Evo Nice Very Nice
  8. Nex I don't know what to say to those * hands in air , sholders up*
  9. go hard Pred deystroy him
  10. spider bait is playing thurs at Aulbany creek taven
  11. do you know when the next skid pan day is ??
  12. man I realy have to find some more stuff to talk about
  13. pointless posting whats the point of pointing at pointless posting that point at posting etc etc
  14. It was a truck that hit you wasn't that what you said ? I will put up a pick of your side skirts on my line WHEN it finaly gets done!!
  15. damm no where near the top ten , got a lot of whoring to catch up
  16. that's not bad ,, she looks cute is the red . Good work
  17. wwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhohohohoho , I rule page 155 bow before me , hay Ska what is the white + for on your name ??
  18. I got robbed , you know I love numbers , where is my total * shaking fist looking at MM2*
  19. any of u heard of import solutions ?? they are on the coast
  20. go the four , allways come in handy ..........just incase one of your mates uses a trafic island as a braking ancor
  21. you croozing thurs ??
  22. sorry I ment to say floor
  23. front haed light on left side that does not work yet bbwwuuhahaha
  24. I win I win
  25. no no no it's my botty IIIs tellsss ya
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