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Everything posted by jaqule

  1. it's worth the risk , but I don't know if he will go for it as it will only promote whoring
  2. I love numbers , we are avg about 112 posts/hr on this thread , could be a new trend on SAU to have P/H (posts/hour) on the top of each thread.
  3. yo check my sh*t out *hat backwards making rude finger gusture while pointing at new avatar thingy*
  4. I just found my new car , watch my avatar
  5. it was u I got the side skirts off of isn't pred
  6. Mad Mike...mic......moe
  7. but I loved Wierd Science , I just haven't watched it this milenium
  8. Oddly enough, most of it is coming out of the US. what do you mean ....... they invented BLING BLING .... I am only suprised it has not got spining wheels ,
  9. thats where the pic is from , as for the quote I will have to use a life line and ask for a hint
  10. f**k I love that pic Flux . Dogma
  11. small things amuse small minds , and I think minflu has his hand in his pants He he only kidding it's all for sh*ts and giggles
  12. bet ya
  13. not sure ....uuummmm Super Troopers
  14. Say hello to my little friend
  15. I so karnt speil ....eye thinck i neid moore skholing
  16. I can find a movie quote for all situations ( standing pround with arms folded .... but douoting himself )
  17. you cut me shriek..... you cut me real deep just now
  18. Aganist a Sacilian ..........Inconciveable
  19. it's only cool if it's adjustable ....... each one separately mmmuuuuuhahahaha
  20. yamutha33 ( thinking to self ....somthing was said.........smothing was said about me...........he said I was retarted that little )
  21. JAQULE ( druming fingers together Monty Burns style , and ploting his next evil plan )
  22. i say we eject the driver out at mach 4 and watch him slice like a egg mmuuhahaha
  23. no no no , I will sacrfice my line and ram any other line with that on it off of the road WAY TO MUCH RICE THERE , nice wheels thou
  24. Yeah who's is the GTR on pickering street out side one of the shops , near the army base , I will have to check what shop it is outside of next time ??
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