The car was my brothers daily before he bought is red 1600,
Roll cage is bolt in from bond and was about $1500
Seats and rails was $600
Harnesses were $300 i think
We got the wheels and tyres from our previous 1600 rally car and rally retreads cost us $300 for a set on rally casings.
It's a very cheep form of motor sport, I started off in my first car which was a R31 which was manual i bought for $150 ( there are more videos on my Youtube channel)
Khanacrosses which are the next level down which they do out at AWABA the licence needed is a Level 2 speed and to join the club and its $50 entry, and all that is needed is a fire extinguisher a blue triangle and something to hold the bonnet down and thats it.
Rallysrints have and entry requirements of at least a half cage and proper seats and such, entry is only $80 an event.