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About hungry6

  • Birthday January 1

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    random places
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    Fast moving objects

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  1. Johnny, plenty happen on the night that I didnt tell Vicky, but some funny shit. Well to summarize it up, I've never seen a bunch of criminals who were so happy to see the police. They litterally, ran over to the paddy wagons and lock themselves inside. And for the record, I didn't lay one finger on them As for thieves I'm pretty sure they're just as prevalent everywhere. Its just you don't hear about it, that's all. I'm still surprise that these fellas rolled up to my place, and think they were going to get away with it. Saying that, I'm wondering what is happening or where is the thief who drove the car out of my yard? Now I have a dilema of what to do whit a pile of parts and running gear. Might go put it in some classic convertible, like a 356 speedster or a 190sl. be interesting with around 600hp atw with one of those.
  2. Ok, I've been out of town and was brief on some recent developement of this event. Before anyone assume anything, I donot condone violence, or participate in anyway or form at all. Apparently, The "mechanic" who stripped the car, had petrol tossed in his face and was set alight. He now reside in the PA burns unit and is unrecognisable. I'm pretty sure this is what is "known" as a "screaming candle" I will keep everyone update as thing progress, but I hope it all history by xmas. I'm a strong believer of karma I still remember you Belgarion, been a long time since we last met, how have you been?
  3. I got all their details, even got families details and address of all involved. Apparently one is now in intensive care with serious injury. anyway, life is like that sometime.
  4. Not really, doesnt come accross like that when we nab them. The car was left un attended with all security at spare house back in brisbane, in a decent neighbourhood. The property is in large and well away nfrom street, and if a thief has all the time in the world, sooner or later they will get it going. However saying that I only drive that car twice a year, and only drove it the week prior to it getting stolen, so someone must have spotted me, and either followed or when searching the locality. The thieves were aware of the car history and build, somehow. So, yes. it was targetted and not a random thing.
  5. Opps sorry, no I only found what was left of the car, motor/gearbox. and a pile of parts. The car has alarm, a hidden fuel pump switch, and battery isolated. Also the car was in locked security yard with 4 infra read cameras, I guess they didnt realise the cameras were there Also, I do believe we took out an import specialist stealing gang.
  6. Ok, First of all I would like to thanks everyone on here and the special people that helped me. You know who you are. Also I would like to mention a special thanks to the QPS that provide around 10 squad cars when the call was made and the officers involved. Ok a shorten version of a 5hrs events. Last night from a solid tip of during the day and into the night I organised a "private" search with grunt, at the same time the QPS from Mt.Gravvatt and Slack Creek crime squad was on notice. A series of event took place, at the final address that we visited, 4 individuals who were detained with minimal force. QPS recieved the call, the site was a declare crime scene, all person of interest was proccess, and it now was 3 in the morning.
  7. Car has been found, will fill in details later on
  8. Hi guys, A friend of mine had his R33 GTST stolen last night from his premises in Robertson QLD. Description of vehicle: Blood orange/red R33 GTST. Enkei wheels with semi slicks. No rear spoiler. RB26 engine with T88 turbo etc etc. 400R Skyline front bumper NUMBER PLATES: MYTH Engine number: RB250720899A. VIN: 6R91MPORTWHKC4044. Reward in place for information leading to the arrest/possession/location of vehicle.
  9. Mods, Please remove the double up, sorry for the hassle. Thanks Wayne
  10. It was stolen last night, alot of effort has gone into it theft, and may have been moved by a flatbed. I'm abit gutted, but somehow feels partially responsible for the lost as I didnt move it to the synny coast with me when I moved there, and left it at the spare house. I've have built this car from ground up and purposedly left the exterior ordinary to avoid unwanted attention. The car actually has a Built RB26 in a GTSt body, running pretty much custom everything fom there on. If anyone see this car floating around, please contact me via pm. Thank you. Wayne
  11. just heading home in something different.
  12. I went to test drive one "sport" awhile ago , and these are the thing that happened on the test drive. The ABS failed and intermitently cut in. seat will not move fore or aft, and the after thee test drive it refuses to lock up. just kept on poping open after u hit lock. apart from that, it is a sexy looking "true 4x4" now I'm driving a Q7. I dont think my legs are capable of pushing one of the highway.
  13. hungry6


    recent and current cars
  14. bumping it up, did u enjoy the coffee in the can?
  15. Hi everyone, Ok just asking a few minutes of your time here, but it will make a fair bit of difference as to how we all go fishing in the future by completing the E petition. I got this from a fishing site Im on and hopefully will generate enough number to keep fishing free for all here in QLD. Thanks link below to E petition http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/view/EPet...spx?PetNum=1606
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