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Everything posted by Missileman

  1. Dont skimp, besides the studs new washers and nuts are a must.
  2. Johnny are you using your WB as a NB simulator? If so how did you go about wiring it into the computer? My NB has just blown so I going to use my techedge to simulate, it also has a function where I can alter the lean/ rich points so I can adjust stoich up or down for different fuels, or so I can target a leaner AFR Wouldn't mind setting it up to hold 16:1 in closed loop, just to get better economy on cruise.
  3. Its starting to become "lets hope Merc has mechanical failure" or "If Maldonado gets close enogh to them"
  4. If he can nail the start and exit that first corner at the front of the field he stands every chance of winning.
  5. are you saying your compressor wheels machined from a casting or are they machined from billit forging, there is a bit of a difference there.
  6. Also be aware if you sensor is not receiving current / drive signal from from the controller, it will not be able to burn off the acumilated carbon, which can damage the sensor. If you're unsure, remove the sensor and instal a bung until you have the pronlem sorted.
  7. Name the store and brand, so otheres can give them a swerve.
  8. $30 each plus about $60 shipping UAE/Amatama... http://www.amayama.com/search/?q=1323179S00&cur=AUD
  9. what else makes a tapping noise???? pistons, injectors...
  10. a left one and a right one
  11. He was replying to my comment in support of the shifting spanner. also, dad's army could conqure france with a rolled up newspaper
  12. Nothing wrong with shifting spanners, so long as you have a bit of skill and use your common sence, I used one to change all my brake lines to braided, and replace the master cylinder, Not one rounded nut.
  13. bing translate does an average job, but is still thin on details, I came across that site when going through yahoo auctions via nengun
  14. Anyone tried on of these? http://www.alternator.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=211
  15. fcuk the safety cart, let the mercs battle it out for top spot, looks like dan has kicked botas for 3rd
  16. Missileman

    Ex Stud 06

    From the album: Random Photos

  17. Missileman

    Ex Stud 05

    From the album: Random Photos

  18. Missileman

    Ex Stud 04

    From the album: Random Photos

  19. Missileman

    Ex Stud 03

    From the album: Random Photos

  20. Missileman

    Ex Stud 02

    From the album: Random Photos

  21. Missileman

    Ex Stud 01

    From the album: Random Photos

  22. dude have seen how much they can force feed???
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