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Everything posted by crashdown

  1. Top day, Great Movie as they always are, Got Tokyo Drift on TV now. I'm getting my plaster of paris ready, to practice flexing it off my arm with my muscles!
  2. The next Texi is 25th October 2015
  3. Have bolted them on today! Also wrote a little write up https://www.facebook.com/33spec
  4. 1. Deka (E) 2. Urogue (NM) 3. Aggroman (E) 4. JLM 5. GTofuS-T (M) 6. Denis Chung (NM) 7. Liz (M) 8. Jacobidgaf (NM) 9. Fez25 (M) 10. Bazil_1 (M) 11. Michael's R33 (M) 12. BlackTemplar (M) 14. Fatz (M) 15. Jenna (M) 16. BunsenBurna (M) 17. ianjb (M) 18. Duff (M) 19. LukeGTR (E) 20. e-Dog (M) 21. blackjack404 (M) 22. 23. PN-Mad (M) 24. Udi (M) 25. Kila32 (M) 26. Quinnie (M) 27. WAGON_BOY (M) 30. Clinton (M) 31. niZmo_Man (M) 32. deongster (M) 33. Victory (M) 34. 34GeeTeeTee (VP) 36. r32-25t (M) 46. Applin (NM) 88. GTR32G (M) 90. Calsonic14u (M) 91. BakemonoRicer 133. Evil_Weevil (M) 222. stagea pete (M) 666. RiseofBrutality (M) 679. MrFijiGold (T) Reserve list. 1. 2. 3. *list updated 08/08/2015
  5. After the success of SAU:NSW's South Circuit track day last year and the resounding feedback from the entrants we have secured another booking! Okay, so here are the details: DATE: Monday 24th August 2015 WHERE: Sydney Motor Sport Park - South Circuit SCHEDULE: 6:00: Gates open 7:00 - 7:20: Drivers sign on - all drivers report to the main desk next to the pit garage, bring your licences with you 7.20am - 8:15am Scruitineering, if you're late you need to wait until the day has started so the rest of the group isn't held up. 8:30/45 Drivers briefing in the main room, Next to scruitineering garages. 9:00 - Group format beings, this will be run in an alternating timed/ un-timed format. This format allows for passengers/driver training in the un-timed sessions. PRICE: SAU-NSW members $250 per driver, Early bird non-Members price $265 until 1st July Non-Members after 1st July $280 per driver yes that means double entered cars pay twice. Why not become a member and receive member discounts. More info on membership can be found at www.saunsw.com.au PASSENGERS: $10 on the day after signing a waiver. Must be over 15 years and if under 18 years have parent or guardian permission. All Passengers must have full head to toe clothing and an approved helmet. This will be checked prior to payment once cleared you will be issued with a wristband and allowed out in un-timed sessions. LICENCE REQUIREMENTS: CAMS L2S or AASA club licence Motorsport licence and current club membership card must be shown on the day at the sign in desk. PLEASE NOTE ALL AASA and CAMS LICENCES MUST BE ACQUIRED PRIOR TO THE EVENT, APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE MADE ON THE DAY ANYMORE!! CHECK YOUR EXPIRY DATES PEOPLE! How the day runs: If you've never driven on a track before and want someone experienced to give you instruction and help with how to drive better, faster or safer, or even if you've done a couple of track days and just want to ask some questions (no matter how silly they may seem), we have this at no extra charge available throughout the day. Firstly, when you arrive at the track, find a place to park and empty all loose objects out of the car. Ensure there's nothing loose in the engine bay and that there are no leaks, that your brake lights work and you have all your wheel nuts on and have tightened your sump plug etc. Next step is to go to the office and sign on for the day, take your licence with you and you will be given a scruitineering sheet. Once you receive that, it's time to drive your car to the scruitineering shed, it's the only building right next to the parking. Your car will be checked to make sure it's safe to go on the track, and it will then be assigned a number which is your number for the day. Once you've done all that, it's now time to wait for the drivers' briefing to begin (which will be announced on the loud speakers throughout the pits, and starts at 8.30am sharp). Once the drivers' briefing is over, all the drivers are split into groups based on experience so that everyone is comfortable in their group. One group is then allowed on the track at a time for evenly-timed sessions. Once one group comes off, another goes on. This repeats until the end of the day with a short break around lunch so officials and helpers can get some food and drinks. Groups are small to ensure we have lots of space on the track. Groupings will be based on previous lap times and experience That's basically it! The only way to secure a spot is through sending in an entry form/email and payment through Eventbrite or Bank Deposit. PAYMENT: Please note there will be no refunds unless the event is sold out and there are reserves waiting. Credit Card payments please pay through Eventbrite. Link provided below. http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/saunsw-smsp-trackday-tickets-15398229519 or Bank Deposit. (Please PM Crashdown once payment made) SAUNSW bank details: Bank - NAB Branch - Marrickville Account name - Skylines Australia NSW BSB - 082 356 Account number - 546 393 766 Please put your FULL NAME in the description, eg "SMSP JOE SMITH" ENTRY FORM: PM Electronic entry details sent to crashdown on SAU forum 'Italics are for reference only' Full Legal Name: (as entered on bank deposit) Forum Alias: Car Make: Car Model: Experience: (New to Track Days) (1 or 2 non-timed events) (multiple events with timing) Times: (List track & official time, e.g. Wakefield 1:13 SMSP 1:08 etc) One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general. When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to: * Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly. * Drive courteously on the states roads as a true enthusiast should. * Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAUNSW and thus, treat others accordingly. * Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. *** Details may change. check back regularly. *** On the day please bring your Motorsport license and current membership card as we need to visually see it, We will have you fill out a entry form and waiver on the day. Your Eventbrite receipt is your confirmation of entry. *** Supp regs will be put up closer to the date Any Questions Just ask See you at the Track SMSP Supp Regs.pdf
  6. So who is coming up to spectate ?
  7. A few photos from me.
  8. Time sheets. All penalties have been added. P=Passenger untimed run DNF=Did not finish If you went the wrong direction you received the slowest time run on the course. *Edit: Map number 6 changed to reflex Aggroman as fastest time
  9. That's fantastic PJ
  10. Thank you to everyone for coming out, I hope you all enjoyed yourselves . A big thank you to all of the marshals for spending their time to put on this day. I'll put some photos and the times for today up in the next few days
  11. Texikhana is Today! If you want to enter come on down and pay cash at the sign-on tent. Please bring close to right amount to make it easier.
  12. Nulon Nationals goes to the famous Bulahdelah hill climb, This is the fastest public road surface hill climb in Australia and surely an event not be missed, Better yet, Nulon have shut the road for 2 days this year so there will be plenty of seat time for drivers and free entry for club members and spectators. Round 2 is when the teams start to bring out the big guns,In 2015 it is being held on the 28th and 29th of March and Great viewing areas and over 50 cars lined up ready to roll. SAUNSW is currently sitting in 5th and looking to move up the standings Nulon Nationals Round 2, 28th-29th of March 2015 Map link https://goo.gl/maps/XvN5M Our Team for Round 2 Eric R33 GTR Duncan Stagea Tim R34 GTT Dave R34 GTT Peter R33 GTR
  13. Confirmed entry list on post #2 of page 1. These are just the confirmed entries
  14. Hi Jake, Membership info can be found at http://saunsw.com.au/club-membership/
  15. Hi Daniel, Info on membership can be found here http://saunsw.com.au/club-membership/ You can enter now and click on members price if you like. Will see you there!
  16. I'm in please, thanks for organising Matt
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