Check out motorsport section, there is a thread there from rrrage that has thousands of video links etc. i think its called misc car vids. something like that.
Shan wanst sporting a wing either, but there is a bit of a difference between our cars....That Very high, crappy looking 32 in Ferni's photos is mine...
To get it rego'd in melb you'll have to have a RWC which you can get at most mechanics. Then you'll have to bring it into Vic Roads and they'll check everything. So if you have a car that's too loud and all sorts of electronic gear in the cabbin and illegal sh1t under the bonnet they wont pass you.
I was just informed by my friend ryan ( Two toned sil80 that was giving ant a hard time at sandown) that he is having his 21st on the 10th. I'll be waaaay to drunk to get to winton, which sucks balls because i just got my car back and want to get low 1:50's around winton.
I'm going to get up the front of the pack so that when we get into Malmsbury i'm going to be one of the first through the door there and take a pick at what pie to have.
They'd better not be, there is no reason why the PoLease should be informed. Looking foward to this, oh and ash what happens when you arrive late, do we wait for you because i seem to remember you being the one running late on our last cruises!
You could get the engine re stamped as an RB25 or 26 depending on the head you used. This would make it easier to engineer because you cant have an older engine in your car then what it came with origionally.
Also, could depend on the amount of boost you are using. Your gap in the spark plugs might be too large, so if you are running higher boost you might be blowing out the spark. If you havent already get some 0.8mm gapped plugs, it worked for me.