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Everything posted by R32Big_boy

  1. R32Big_boy


    http://pforums.company-hosting.com/forums/...6#post839388226 A photo page off pf fourms, spot snowballs car, and how ****y it is. How was the event though guys, have lots of fun i bet.
  2. Ha, i thought i bought a car so i wouldnt have to do physical activity like that!
  3. I've heard too many stories of people getting stooged by the army now. Good luck geoff, it will be good to have you back out and about again. Will you have to be on some support for a while after the surgery ie crutches or anything like that for a while or will you be able to spear tackel brisby for us soon after the opperation?
  4. No one said being a pimp was an easy job ay ash.
  5. Pete if jemma's (or Gemma's) not going then i doubt melissa will go. So yeah it has be able to meet the standards of the better half's.
  6. Check your ecu, if it shows the error code then there's probablly an issue there. Search if you want to know how to put the ecu into diagnostic mode. Good luck with it all.
  7. Very lovely there fella's. Looks like good time was had by all. I had a very important 21st i had to attend which is why i was not there.
  8. Doesnt really matter, its not my car and i dont think my brother will give a crap. You got one?
  9. My brother blew his turbo on his ca, now i am looking for a turbo off someone's sr, if its in melbourne that would be great because shipping would cost a small fortune from elsewhere. Cheers. Jarrod
  10. I wont be able to attned, got too many 21st on that weekend. Next event though, i'll be back in action ready to tear it up!
  11. What happened to my name goddamnit
  12. Yeah i'll give it a whirl.
  13. Saw a silver 34, 18" wheels(wire spoke wheels), no wing and a large skylinesaustralia dot com sticker on the back window. I was up in wentworth in the blue mountains staring at you as you drove past, i was getting into the commodore as my car is still in melbourne, i am on holiday here in syd.
  14. Chip board wont do, it has to be steel, because there is no way that chip board has the same strength as steel.
  15. Thanks for those pics james, and thanks to everyone that gave me a ride in their car. I was talking to the missus on the saturday on how much i want a GTR, and she was like yeah, i want you to get one too. We both had a ball, it was good to catch up with old faces and meet some new ones. BIG thanks to brisby for putting up with me in the car screaming GATE IT!!!!!!! and also for letting me get a drive in it. Andrew and Chris, hats off to you guys, you put in a lot of work to get this thing done, it was one of the best weekends i've had. oh and let me know when and where your going to polish off the beer, i'll bring my beer drinking shirt.
  16. Engineers are $500, you'll probably need to replace your parcel shelf if it has sections missing, ie bits have been cut out to make room for the speakers.
  17. Hey pete, wont be able to get to the meet point, or bring my car for that matter! Sorry, will explain when i meet you guys in shepperton.
  18. For fcuks sake, why did i say you could stay with us. I'm going to sit in the corner all night keeping an eye on you now. Its going to be messy! By the way, doing anything to me and i'll sick melissa on you!
  19. Changing exhaust isn t hard, maybe an hours work. Good luck chris, you shouldnt have a problem passing the test if you have a stock exhaust on it.
  20. In golgo corners were a dream of fluffy white clouds, in the lada they will be a nightmare of little devils poking you in the arse. The motorcarna (spelling??) event at DECA should be real exciting, even my car with its shit suspension wont get as much body roll ( I hope). It has been an exciting thread though, well done on the purchase .
  21. Have you got ryan's entry there andrew? I cant find him on the list.
  22. Yeah, we'll probablly come with you pete, i'll just get the cabin key left out for us when we get there.
  23. GTRgeoff has them, he makes them himself. They cost about $110. They are extreamly high quality, my friend has one on his 180, and i think most people in vic have them on their cars.
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