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Everything posted by R32Big_boy

  1. Go the Koeningwhoreallyknowshowtospellitanywaysegg. the toranasaurus looks alright too but i dont think that holden should have called it a torry. there's nothing in it that makes it a torry really its more super vectra than toranasaurus.
  2. What the hell is this doing in the general section anyway. we've got a for sale section where people go when they WANT to buy something!
  3. It depends on how hard you use them. I've only done 2 track days and a few mountain climbs on them and they havent needed machining. Troy had his done a couple of months ago after a few track days i Believe, he can correct me if i'm wrong. You'll need to get them machined a few times before they need replacing.
  4. I THINK you need to go back to your year 8 english teacher and ask him/her to let you back into their class. car: meh stickers and mesh with no use doesnt do it for me.
  5. The dealer always spins from the last number that the ball landed on, or within 1-2 numbers either side of it. Those ridges on the outside and on the inside of the wheel are there to do a job, they bounce the ball a bit and help make it a little more random.
  6. Those who want to give card counting a go, good luck. There are 8 decks of cards in a shoe at crown, and one deck is cut out, so there are about 52 cards there that you wont know what they are. Food for thought if i make any sence, its late, and its been a long night at work.
  7. Yes, i'll take your money....and go to MEXICO!
  8. Looking at the way a dealer spins; its within a sector usually, a good dealer can land the ball within one or two number either side of a number that they want to spin the ball to. You have to watch things like if the dealer spins the ball fast or slow and the same with the wheel. That will tell you if the ball is likely to go to the opposite side of the wheel eg 4-24 or somewhere around there.So if they spin the ball fast once, then on the second spin slow it will often land on the opposite side of the wheel, from my experience anyway. Always take note of whats on the christmas tree and look for any patterns, and as leewah said dont go in there expecting to win coz you'll just do your dosh.
  9. Nah, i dont think so, casino ALLWAYS WINS! if they didnt how would they still be open??
  10. Bj sucks the big wang, you get too many idiots on a table that screw it up for everyone else because they havent heard of basic stratergy, card counter, well i know for a fact that most of them are worse of for doing it. Roulette, having delt it i know that its not so much dumb luck as to where the ball lands. There is far more dealer infulence that what you might think. Eg after 4 months dealing it i could get it to within 3 or 4 numbers of what i wanted it to be. You can look at the way a dealer is dealing the game and figure out which section the ball is going to drop in, this increases your chances of winning dramatically. Eg i walked up to a table, watched the dealer for 2 minutes, put $2.5 on 21 and guess what shows up, 21, $82.50 later i walk off coz i had to go and meet some friends.
  11. Used to work at the cas, now studing mechanical engineering. I'm really getting into texa's holdem as well, its an awesome game to watch cant say that i've played much though. But if you want to know how to win on roulette then i'm your man! Haha, geoff thats good...concentrated. would hate to have you running into me, probablly knock my knees from under me.
  12. For a little man troy you do a lot of sh1t stiring, then again geoff and andrew arnt exactly big... Oh and denton, was that you i saw in the pug 206 the other night in knox some time last week???
  13. Count in an Audi S4 and my 32
  14. Yes, happy birthday! Looking foward to seeing you on some of our cruises and events.
  15. oooo, bugger
  16. Do you have to have done a course in it or anything??
  17. I had platnum's in the car, when i ran 14psi through an rb25 turbo i found that it would blow out the spark. So i got some copper plugs at 0.8mm gap and it works a charm. You could spend big bickies on the iridiums and platnums but the coppers work well for me and cost be $17 for all 6.
  18. Radical? Rhett its not 1994, and the teenage mutant ninja turtles havent been on tv in quite some time now. Shan, they look awesome, cant wait to see a hill of yellow shirts at calder park on the drift days/nights.
  19. It had a k@n pod which was oil based, but they didnt defect it. I'm still swaping it for RWC and the EPA test that i'm expecting in the mail any day now.
  20. I find the best is my 32gtst. Spring rates are around 13-14 and sway bars at level 6. Turbo is stage 4 or so oh and i give it heaps of initial torque on the adjustable lsd. The only probelm with the game is the steering is too slow, you cant change direction at the wheels fast enough. My fav. track is midfield, with its long sweeping bends you can carry some serious speed through those corners.
  21. Booyah, will sort things out with work. See ya's there
  22. Hats off to you. Looks like a lot of effourt went into that work shop. If you ever need a site forman for your next project let me know, I'm great and drinking beer and shouting orders from the sides. I dont want to get these fingernails dirty, you know how it is...ay adzmax
  23. You wont know till you try ryan. Hey i know, you and Jbonevia should swap your front ends, so you drive a 180sx and he drives a silvia, how original would that be!!
  24. Yeah i know the ute your talking about. I'm not much of a fan of that limo, give me a hummer.......limo any day.
  25. Need a stock gtst stock air box.
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