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Everything posted by creativefleire

  1. I have lots of part still for sale on this. Please contact me for details. Still have these for sale: 17" Drift Rims $450 with tyres good for a few months Passenger door with glass and window motor $100 Passenger mirror $50 A pillars $80 pair B billars $80 pair Rear bumper in black $100 Complete Dash $110 Glove Box $60 Tail lights $150 pair Boot trims (3 pieces) Light up ILLUMINATED rear panel $150 Rare chrome custom foot sills $150 Boot struts with brackets $50 pair Rear seats top and bottom $150 Passenger door card $80 Apexi Power FC Computer $800 Link Adjustable Computer. $1500 Lots of interior trims available still too. I NO LONGER HAVE: the shell, drive train, axels, gear box, engine or conversion parts, boot or wing, front bumper, radiator, headlights or bonnet. No exhaust.
  2. I have an Apexi Power Fc computer with hand controller for sale off my Skyline R33 GTST. $800. Located in Perth.
  3. I have an Apexi Power Fc computer with hand controller for sale off my Skyline R34 GTT. $900 FIRM. I'm located in Perth
  4. Is this still for sale?
  5. Hi, do you still have this for sale?? If so, will you post to perth?
  6. Anyone know where I can get one of these?
  7. Hi everyone. I've just started up a facebook group page where those of us with R34 Skylines can share and discuss their cars, sell stuff and just have a good chit chat about stuff There is already a Perth 33s page, but there was not one for us 34 owners. I've just recently gotten me one and wanted a page to go to like the 33s one, but couldn't find one.... so i've decided to start one up! Please share this page with anyone you know in Perth who owns an R34 ... and lets get chatting!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/375997979195483/
  8. Love the audience interaction with just a screen clip of the fabulous Freddy Mercury from Queen in the Olympics closing ceremony! Muse rocked!! And I just love queen. Emilie Sande was great too. And Jessie J singing We Will Rock You! :)

  9. Early signs of the onset of arthritis now :| Turning into a cripple at the ripe old age of just 26 :O . shit!

  10. I'm trying to install a monster tacho in my series 1 R33 with an Apexi Power FC ECU computer. But I don't know what colour wire the RPM wire is. In a stock standard commodore it's brown. Someone told me in a skyline it's a yellow with blue wire. Tried that and doesn't work. Does anyone have any ideas or has actually installed a monster tacho in their car with an Apexi power fc??? Any info will be greatly appreciated!!
  11. So....found out I managed to some how break off a bit of bone in my ankle and now it's floating around in my joint and causing a big lump to grow on the bone. Options: cortisone injections or surgery. Yay?!!! :/

  12. Hi Paul. I'm trying to install a monster tacho into my r33. I also have an special power fc. Can you please tell me which is the rpm wire to hook up to the tacho?? Your help will be muchly appreciated.
  13. Hmmmm.... Ordered 1 pair of pants online and got 3!!! Woohoooo!!! Too bad they are all the same :| lol.Sisters do you want a pair?? :P

  14. I can't grant you any wishes,I won't promise your the stars,But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you,It beats only for you

  15. Not sure if this question has already been asked.... if it has I apologise.... Can someone here please help me with some info as to whether a pillar gauge off and R34 will fit my R33 GTST. I have been reading up on the forums and on the web and getting different answers. There's a guy selling a gauge pillar with 2 gauges that was meant to fit his R34, but he's now selling the car and doesn't need them anymore. He says that the description that came with the pillar when he bought it says that it fits " holder for skyline r32,r33,r34" Is this correct? has anyone ever interchanged their pillar between models before or know if it's possible??
  16. I've got an issue with my R33 GTST. It doesn't always want to start when I turn the key. It will crank, but not always start immediately the first time like it should. Sometimes it will take up to 10 turns of the key before it will eventually turn over. I've taken the starter motor out and cleaned all the connections, including all wires that connect to the motor itself. Done this 3 times now and it's still doing the same thing...not always starting first go. I don't know if this issue is the starter motor or the wiring, as sometimes it will start 3 times in a row, first time every time, but then it just stops and it'll take up to 10 goes. Has this happened to anyone else? Can anyone here help me and know if I need a new starter motor or it's the wiring that's the issue ???
  17. It's for a 1994 R33 GTST ... Right hand side switch
  18. Because I've never done it before and wouldn't have a clue how to go about soldering. I'd rather just replace the mechanism if I can.
  19. ..... also between a gtr to gtst ?? sorry.
  20. Can someone here please tell me if the same switch from an R33 gts can be used in an R33 gtst?? as well as series 1 to 2?? thanks
  21. Does anyone have / or know where I can get a right hand side window switch for my electric window. It no longer works If anyone can help that would be awesome! Also, where's the best jap wreckers in Perth these days??
  22. I'm running about 15 psi at the moment. Where can I get these bcrpr7es plugs from in Perth?? Do I need to go to a tuning place to get these specific plugs from??
  23. I'm running up to at least 15 psi. It's in desperate need of a tune so may run higher. Sorry, but not sure exactly what you mean by "8 gap" ?? Where can I find these bcpr7es plugs in perth?
  24. Can someone here please tell me what's the best spark plugs for me to put into my '94 R33 GTST. The ones that are recommended from any auto shop are the Platinum PFR5G-11 2647 ones. But someone else told me that these prg5 plugs are way too hot. and will detonate and cause other running misfires. The Nippon Denso ones apparently are better??? Is this true? And where would I get these Nippon Denso plugs from in Perth?
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