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About skiids

  • Birthday 12/09/1978

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  • Car(s)
    09 R35 GT-R

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  1. My car did it too. Its because they've glazed over. You've probably been city driving so brakes aren't getting a work out. Theyre basically racing brakes. Take your car through the hills or get it up to speed and jump on them a few times. Itll clean them up and shouldn't have a problem until they build up again
  2. I feel for your misgivings bloke, not everyone wins, i hope one day you may find pacification in your postpubescence
  3. Haha... George a millionaire? maybe from your standards, considering your from Elizabeth, everyone south of you would be one, so tell me what does this guy drive now?? R35 maybe? stop stirring the pot young fella, there really is no argument on comparison, you definitely can't afford either car so your opinions don't carry much weight
  4. Pffff
  5. Wow... Everone put your tape measures away, it's not a competition on whos is bigger, no need for justifications or explaination, price point is direct reflection of superiority, there is no other comparison, as has been established time and time again over numerous threads. For those of you who don't own an R35 or HSV, your opinions are redundant I own both, and the only thing more fun bout a VE HSV is its ability to do big burnouts... If that's your thing, other than that. There is nothing about a HSV more fun over the R35 This thread should be locked
  6. The holden enthusiasts seem to have hijacked the R35 forum.
  7. No it won't but a custom tune will sort it, and be better off for it
  8. skiids

    R35 And Mods?

    Looks like everyone's running stock 35's...
  9. If you've only changed the midpipe, then you're left with stock downpipes and stock catback/centre pipe, so both ends of the midpipe are still stock. Gotboost 3" intakes with the pods, & grab a set of 2012 inlets to sort you out. Go to GTRLife in the US and import it Then go get a custom tune
  10. skiids


    The SIR drop in's seem to have good feedback in the US.. No modifications needed to get them to fit, also their Bosch injectors are the go too. As a package, price competitive. 1000cc should be enough with your mods, but 1150's will support any further mods without going too spastic http://www.gtrlife.com/forums/topic/65412-new-product-sir-drop-in-fuel-pumps/
  11. Intakes, BOV's and midpipe best. Far from crap, Sounds tuff on full boost
  12. Good luck!
  13. I've owned both and there's no comparison apart from they've both got turbos. A car cannot be judged as better than another by its one acomplishment or strengh whether the measurement is 0-400m, or top speed, but by the vehicle itself, and what it can accomplish as a whole, the aurora created, the engineering behind it, the feeling you get when you turn the ignition, or these days push the button. they're both great cars by their merits, but still no comparison to each other, apples for apples. Ultimately what governs one car to be better than the other is the price, because with it comes a level of refinement superior to its lessor. As is a GT-R's superiority to a F6, a 458 is superior to a GT-R, and a Bugatti superior to a 458
  14. Looks like she could do with a cut n polish... Haha. That's stealth
  15. Hey mate nice run. You say willall wr600 spec for your mods. But on his site wr600 package suggests 600kw... Man if your producing over 800 hp shouldnt you should be cracking the 9's with those numbers? Are you running stock turbos?
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