Hahahaha, dont take that the wrong way cause I have no idea what you look like, i mean your car is dead sexy, absolutely love it!
But yea, Neil's was the other burgundy one behind me (TeamKrazy) on here.
Cheers for the props, but urs is better
Oh yea!! You! the sexy silver one with the black bonnet and Japanese down the side Love it! I had neil behind me too, you woulda seen him there?
Yea I waved out, i recognised the car, but didn't know this was u
You did? I have no idea what your car looks like.
I know i saw Merv on the roundabout near my house and flashed my lights at him and waved out, but i dont think he knew who it was..
It was definately a great day
Even though the readings were so low, I'm just boucing off the walls at the fact that I got more than Neil Can I say it again? I got more than Neil
Looking forward to a standstill start from MJ and James though.. should be a lot more interesting than our rolling starters.
James ~ "racin against autos is a pain in the ass" ... u have auto? cos I dont :confused: