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Everything posted by SAM112

  1. hmm.. maybe i should say im married next time. refrase so 'single but not looking'
  2. yup, gotta do it agian in a few hours but meh i'l make it
  3. not tired feelin mr mark, me n him are on the same wavelength we is
  4. oh yea, forgot *clap clap*
  5. la la ala so yea
  6. not at that, just in general
  7. :blah:
  8. not good enough eh?? fine *sniff sniff* shall talk to nick then lol jk
  9. i got one too
  10. ok glenn. sorry lol
  11. cheers john! *holds glass high*
  12. everyone knows u cheated Glenn *blows a 'raspberry' at glenn*
  13. hey neil :wavey:
  14. LMAO @ Glenn
  15. AYE dont threaten me nic! you dont wanna come between me and my cordial... trust me..
  16. damn good cordial though
  17. *ahem* all good. Sorry.
  18. *in the middle of a boost withdrawl attack AaaaAAaAaHHhHhhH!!!!!! YYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!*
  19. good evening Glenn
  20. lol nic
  21. not tipsy yet, give me 10 mins
  22. whoa, hang on wtf *runs for hillz hell fast ~ (nos speed)* lol
  23. *gotta start paying attention to whats going on in here*
  24. holy crap! What!?! lol *shiet, how m i gonna get out of this one..?*
  25. find Mr Beam ben?
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