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A Grave Digger

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Everything posted by A Grave Digger

  1. haha its all good bro, i was uneducated once too
  2. hahaha no go with the N/A mate, its got a Rb25det Neo motor in it.
  3. have you got a glovebox by any chance mate? and a boot lock?
  4. haha too true. I'll chuck a skid ( on private property of course) when its up and running and I'll let you know how it goes lol. I'm guessing it won't end well
  5. Newest addition to the family lads, hoping to have her up and running within the month
  6. well its got the right mod plates and everything man, so maybe the engineer was drunk?
  7. Lads, just brought a R32 4 door off a bloke today, its got a 25 neo in it, but its still 4 stud. Its got the correct mod plates for the engine and stuff. I thought the brakes had to be upgraded if you changed a N/A to a Turbo though?
  8. think that was me mate, i saw you wave, but not until the last minute haha. sorry about not waving back.
  9. Hey bro, how does one join the Gatton club? i assume I would be the only skyline in Laidley (someone correct me if I'm wrong), so I'd rather go to Gatton and meet with other skyline owners than get stared at like some kind of freak haha
  10. Hey Guys, need a R33 series 1 non airbag clock spring, this weekend if possible. located in Laidley QLD, but driving to Brisbane tomorrow so would be willing to pick it up. Cheers Cody
  11. when is the charity cruise on? and what is the police presence like?
  12. Thought I throw a photo of my ride up as well. She doesn't sit that low in the rear now, it was scraping way too much.
  13. sorry to drag up an old thread guys, but i was wondering if someone could help me. I purchased an R33 s1 about 6 months ago and have only just looked at the ecu this weekend. I googled the numbers on the ecu cause it had a sticker on it. according to other forums, its a 300zx ecu ( I assume this is a Z32 ecu). what mods can this support? i have 725cc injectors and a super t 70 i wanna put on the car. Also will i need to get a z32 afm? thanks guys
  14. Midnight Purple 33 gtr v spec feeding it along Rosewood-Amberley Rd. In a bit of a rush to get home were we high_hp? haha
  15. cool story bro
  16. Stress less brother I've already sought some legal advice from a family law specialist.
  17. Ah wicked stuff!! Thanks heaps for that man. ah its pretty low. I'm not that concerned about the legal limit man, I'm willing to wear whatever $$ and points if I get defected.
  18. I would love to give him a dental makeover haha, however at the end of the day it's not worth stuffing my life up for 5 minutes of satisfaction. Also it would disadvantage the kids, and although they aren't mine, I still wouldn't like to do that to them.
  19. hey guys, not too sure if this has been brought up before or not. If it has could someone please link me to the thread as I can't find it. I have a set of 18 inch rims of my R33 Gtst and I want to lower it another 5cm approx. Now the problem I have is the item circled in red in the image attached sits just above (about 20mm max) my tyre now. If I try to lower the car, the rim and tyre will hit it ( I assume so. Am I wrong?) Is there anything I can do about this? Buy adjustable upper camber arms? Cheers Cody
  20. oh and i didnt do that to the 3yr old BTW!!!
  21. Yeah mate it went further.... he then "coached" ( ie I suspect he told her to say it, but I cant prove it..) the youngest daughter, a 3 yr old to say that I put my finger into her vagina..... had a copper from the child protection unit come out to work and everything. however she clammed up in the interview and wouldnt tell the cop anything. so thats all over and done with as well. And the sucky part is i can't do anything in regards to deformation of character or anything like that cause the system is set up to protect whistle-blowers.... and now the germ is acting nice as pie...
  22. going to hell in a hand basket mate...
  23. well after I spoke to an officer from the child protection unit, apparently removing a tooth is classed as negligence....... but it would have been thrown out when it was proven that i removed the tooth so he wouldnt suffer anymore pain....... what a f*cked up rule......
  24. Was wondering if someone could help me with a legal issue please. My GF and I had her kids last weekend ( we get them every 2nd Sat & Sun) and the middle child, a boy had a loose tooth. The tooth was that sore he couldn't eat. So I asked him if he wanted me to remove it for him. He said yes. I asked the GF and she also said yes. So I removed the tooth. Now on Sunday night, the GF's ex ring up ranting and raving and carrying on about how he is going to have me up on assault charges for pulling the boys tooth out. (A) is this possible?? (B) what can I do about him ringing up all the time and making these threats? would it be worthwhile reporting it to the police?
  25. sweet, thank you for your help mate. could someone close this thread please? thanks Cody
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