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Everything posted by Charly

  1. Afternoon everyone. I keep printing ska's PM's out on one of the network printers here at work and I swear I'm going to have one of those fight club moments one of these days.
  2. Actually I think I'm desperatley in need of an update on my UBD too. I think mine is a 98! Put my name down too.
  3. Kudos on the organisation of this one Ska. Sounds good.
  4. Afternoon everybody. Thanks for the sms las night about the radios being in glen. Only prob was I talked till about 1am end ended up getting to bed at 2. soo tired today. Dying to try out the new radios. Also I'm going to try to get the Skyline letters on the back of the car to illuminate red. Might be more hassle than its worth though.
  5. Hey when does he want the cash for those? If he needs it before thursday I can get it to him.
  6. Oh, no way. I can't believe we missed aaron yesterday. And what agenda? Work? Tonight? If you want to know about tonight well nothing because I'm an angry loner. Work; getting busted for doing nothing in about another hour or so. And absolutely drowning in work. Just a thought why is there no :angryloner: smiley?
  7. I found a wheel chock jumping up and down in the tyre jack well of my boot over the weekend!
  8. sorry. No I'm not dissing you at all. I'm just failing miserably in my skills of expression. I meant come out on thursday and have a chat. Because it's pointless trying to explain this further on the forums.
  9. Yeah Glenn, originally I did want to help people until I made the unfortunate discovery that not only do I not like people, But I did not want to help them. So I quit Psych and took up economics. Mindflux To clarify: Descartes walks into a bar, sits down next to a guy. Guy sitting next to him says can I buy you a drink? Descartes says "I think not" and dissapears. (end of joke) Philosophy jokes are kind of like Economics jokes, only funny if you've wasted a lot of time reading the stuff. Descartes said "I think therefore I am" I say "I think therefore I am ; single" Basically it is just a descartes quote butchered and also plaguerised from LifeSupport. look ok I give up. Come out on thursday and I'll stick a "**** me over, tormet me, and tell me why you hate the world" sign on my forehead for all to see.
  10. Ok you can tell us now. Is it dr mengelev (sp) or something?
  11. Mindflux, Please tell me you get the Descarte reference in my tag. Or is it that I wasted my life getting an education? One thing that helped me was knowing that whatever you're feeling now will eventually fade. It's both a blessing and a curse. On the upside the more emotionally crippling the pain you may or may not be feeling now the more perspective it'll give you in the long run. Look at the stupid people around you and watch them burst into tears when the photocopier runs out of paper because they don't know what to do and can't deal with it. At least you'll NEVER be that pathetic.
  12. Mindflux, you sound like patrick batemen. Go and read Some Brett Easton Ellis and if you understand it on any level be very worried. and you really have to stop caring so much. Also if you're all jaded on relationships this might help clarify how women's minds work. Sorry if it's a repeat. www.laddertheory.com and remember if you see a guy who is clearly a dud with a really really hot girlfriend don't envy him. Pity him.
  13. :wavey: See you on thursday. I hope you don't have to ride in the gtr though. It'd be nice to see your new gtst.
  14. Sorry glenn, I posetd that and then about two secconds later you logged off. 1.5k to 2k on repairs. That sucks.
  15. evening Glenn. I see I'm not the only loser sitting in front of a computer on a saturday night.
  16. steve what suburb ar you in?
  17. I couldn't sleep because my matress is on the floor with all the dust, (which I am highly allergic to) because I moved the base and the rest of my stuff to my new bedroom but can't sleep in there because the paint fumes are yet to clear. Should be good this weekend though.
  18. I can't believe that you got up after 11 glenn. I had the worst nights sleep and I had to be up by seven.
  19. aren't you supposed to be in a six hour lecture or something? Kids were out cruising eh? So if I have this correct, if at least two of your kids are 17 then you must be well at least thirty five years old. Damn you look good for a thirty five year old. And remember the vacant expression person we were talking about last night? My f/m's worse. Owned: nevermind.
  20. rofl. If only those guys had saved that $150 they spent last night they could have bought a decent car. I reckin it would have been worth it though. :aroused: Hope you tucked your 3 kids into bed when you got in last night. And is it really true that you can get busted for dangeroud driving if you are drinking a coke/shake whatever whilst driving or were you guys pulling my leg about that one last night.
  21. Now why did the cops stop? Could it have been because someone *looks yoparatas way* was eyeballing the cops?
  22. I'm in, and I know what NA_r33's getting too. It's pretty cool.
  23. It would seem that i've done something nasty to one of my brakes, so I won't be getting my car back tonight. Should be back by tomorrow though. I guess it's probably better that I do have brakes if I'm coming out.
  24. ok, can I play the pointless post game too? And ska, your location is hilarious.
  25. I'm in.
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