Yeah Glenn,
originally I did want to help people until I made the unfortunate discovery that not only do I not like people, But I did not want to help them. So I quit Psych and took up economics.
Mindflux To clarify:
Descartes walks into a bar, sits down next to a guy. Guy sitting next to him says can I buy you a drink? Descartes says "I think not" and dissapears. (end of joke) Philosophy jokes are kind of like Economics jokes, only funny if you've wasted a lot of time reading the stuff.
Descartes said "I think therefore I am"
I say "I think therefore I am ; single" Basically it is just a descartes quote butchered and also plaguerised from LifeSupport.
look ok I give up. Come out on thursday and I'll stick a "**** me over, tormet me, and tell me why you hate the world" sign on my forehead for all to see.