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About adambruv

  • Birthday 02/11/1992

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  • Car(s)
    2005 PM35 AXIS AUTECH RWD,

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  1. OK This is it guys! PRE ORDER IS AVAILABLE NOW TILL THE 31ST DECEMBER! : http://www.hardtunedstore.com/shop/hoodies/stagea-hoodie-preorder/ Hoodies are $59 + delivery ! Given the stagea is a very rare car we don't plan on keeping much stock so if you want one i suggest pre ordering! This is a one of production, if you haven't ordered by the 31st you miss out! Please read all the important notes on the actual page. Delivery Date is expected to be Mid Feb 2015.
  2. well main reason is because none of the photos are working anymore and i have also told the people who have asked and showed them the repair diary.
  3. Who has the ability to delete threads ? Can you please delete this. Thanks.
  4. Couple of pictures with the new wheels.
  5. keen as all hell for this!
  6. i shall be there! look what arrived today! Just in time, pitty one wheel is damaged but i have been given a refund of $150 to get it repaired which i am pretty happy about. Were still not sure why WORK wheels would send out a damaged wheel. anyways pictures bellow!
  7. yea we had a pre meet organised on facebook. We all rolled up and parked together. im down for either date. once u set a date ill post it up on facebook, see if we cant get everyone from the pre meet to come too
  8. Couple photos from the Ben Simpson Memorial Cruise last night. Rear window looks alot better now with the one and only sticker.
  9. already been done bud
  10. well here it is. Actually so happy on how this turned out. Can't wait for my new WORK D9R wheels to arrive! will take some better photos of the roof on the weekend
  11. Today i took some time, Gave the old girl and oil and filter change and also installed the battery cover over the power steering section. Think it looks alot more neat now. Also yesterday i picked up my sticker bomb roof wrap. Hopefully have that put on during the week and ill post some photos up
  12. after the left hand side front nm35 all wheel drive strut. Mines shot, pedders checked all bushes and all are good so apparently its the strut. clunk clunk clunk. let me know what you have. hopefully its in sa but if its a good price ill pay to get it shipped over. cheers
  13. haha defiantly not. Car only gets driven on weekends. Stored away in the shed during the week.
  14. This is what im aiming for, If you guys don't like this... I think there is something wrong
  15. my cousins a fully qualified panel beater, he said he will roll it so i don't crack the paint
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