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Everything posted by archie01

  1. I'd just buy the garret if i were you - that's what i had. Extra $ per kw not worth it in my opinion
  2. ali-turko I have had both a To4z and now twin garret 2860-5's on my gtr (standard displacement). To answer your question, as far as garret 2860-5's twins go, no they will not come on as hard compared to the TO4z. What power output are you aiming for?
  3. That's just fn great!! The car is well on the way to being ready and now this....not happy.
  4. BB yep Roy is right. The single TO4z i had was a heck of a lot better from a response and outright power persepective than the T78 i had before. However compared to the twin -5's I have now they are better still. A lot less doughy low to mid compared to the TO4z and so i get much better average power which is what i want on the circuit. I gave Roy a drive with the single TO4z just so that he could feel first hand the dullness in the low to mid range that i was telling him about b/c he thought that it really shouldn't be that unresponsive down low going from all the talk on the net and dyno graphs of other single T04z's etc Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the TO4z is a bad turbo, it's not, it just didn't suit my purposes......if i had 3ltrs though I would have stayed with the single If your intention is for a responsive ~350rwkw then I would recommend sticking to twins -5's. URAS, the -5's you mentioned would be one of the turbo's i imagine JAGR33 would name They have pushed over 360rwkw on a number of standard stroke gtr's not to mention 400rwkw+ on an rb29
  5. http://www.fullboost.com.au/feature_car.ph...yId=453&p=2 11.57 @ 117.89mph Standard everything except exhaust (front pipes too), cam gears, air filters, clutch and some more boost. Think you need to sign up though to view it. ps xklaba that's some crazy mph with standard turbos. You sure they're standard?
  6. You're most welcome You should of went home and hugged your family and told them how much they mean to you and returned that library book you borrowed in 1985. I actually enjoyed myself and was spewing i didn't get a crack at a better time when the sun came out later on. The first practice session of the day when the track was at its worst i tootled around and did a PB of 1.23.2. On my previous (and first) outing there with good track conditions I managed a 1.23.5 and this was with a single turbo setup. Just goes to show how much better the current twin set up is I was glad though that there were no casualties due to my oil spill. I had no idea i was leaking oil as i drove around and exited the track. Juz picked it up and mentioned it in the pits and we thought we better let clerk of course etc know asap but i imagine by that time a few would have already gone over it. Jarrod that's no excuse! I wanted a pic damn it. If you're in the in-field than that means you're hardcore and can take a hit.....even if it is from a car!! ROFL @ Adz
  7. Pfft....sif no GTR's...
  8. Congratulations to you and Irene on the birth of little Stephanie. Now there's no reason to miss Sandown on the 1st
  9. The -5's and -7's are small turbos and are very similar to the stock items and as a consequence it has been found that running standard cams provides better response and power on pump fuel (not talking race fuel here). Bigger turbo's (GTRS's, single TO4z on an rb26 for example) will definitely benefit from bigger cams ie will make more power compared to standard cams, however the -5's and -7's don't seem to respond as well. The aftermarket (HKS, Tomei etc) is catering for the 'bigger turbo' instances.
  10. ^^what he said Have you checked your capacitors? I had similar symptoms and needed to replace around 15 capacitors. A fine tip soldering iron and $50 bux later, it's all good.
  11. Agreed 100% but i wasn't questioning the accuracy of your reply, just the diplomacy of it. Nothing wrong with being nicer and still making your point, after all, we are a community here with the same interest.
  12. No need to be abrupt about it. It would have been nicer if your reply had more tact.
  13. Pity about the weather and the bad luck with the car. Only a very small window of opportunity where the track was good to get in some decent times so respect to those who managed to do PB's considering track temps/conditions. Well done to Aaron on the 44....f*kn fast! Time to see the doc re the engine noise
  14. Where was the $465 quote from? Prices for Re55's have increased significantly recently so the places that are quoting 'old' prices most likely have stock they bought at the old prices and probably want to move them. Nothing wrong with that though
  15. +1 Awesome car.
  16. I know the feeling oh too well. However if anything PI wouldn't show it up as much as say Winton or Calder would so it's a good place to enjoy his setup.
  17. It should and if it doesn't perhaps teh stig can assist....if Alex doesn't mind if it breaks that is
  18. Yeah Ash, i think you need to take your frustrations out elsewhere
  19. Sounds like Benno's dyno needs to be calibrated
  20. archie01

    New Gtr!

  21. Last time at PI (Oct 07) Sam told me it's standard capacity not 3ltr and with the bonnet up it had a single hanging off it.
  22. That place ain't got sh1t on PI. You'll need a GPS to remind you if the next corner is a left or a right one. ps In pps bastard
  23. No
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