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Everything posted by archie01

  1. Standard cams
  2. Thanks Tharaka Just remember, everything he says or does, is for your own good
  3. Thank you to all involved with the planning, preparation and setting up of the SAU stand. A fine effort indeed resulting in a well deserved award. The past two days was a great opportunity to get to know more members a lot better. The antics of a few who were in a lets say 'not so sober state' had me laughing. Me thinks we need to set aside some time and have brisby tell us some of his stories. They are classics! I now have the utmost respect for you James. There is no doubt people would pay to hear some of them because the scary thing is they are all true! ps did anybody get my spec board? In my rush to leave I left it behind
  4. Can't see any reason why you shouldn't be. Awesome time! Looks like I'll be trying to follow you and Aaron around nex time out and I'll just go past JFK, ok Aaron?
  5. Just a rear wheel drive one. Disconnecting the front driveshaft is how this is overcome for gtr's.
  6. Beer Baron If you're after only 300rwkw and good response from 3500-4000rpm then go twins for sure - GT-SS's, 2680r's etc I had a T78 on my rb26 and it was very laggy (good power from 4800-5000rpm) so I don't think this will suit your purposes. Have a TO4z now and response is better. It comes on boost quicker with a more linear power delivery (compared to the 'light switch' T78) with good power from around 4300-4500rpm. If you really want a single than go for a smaller one like the GT3040 as Gary suggested. As JAGR33 suggested, increase displacement and then you can have your BFOT and response and a cake to eat too
  7. Don't know about these over enthusiastic GTR drivers thinking that the 4WD will help them go around corners when clearly they're approaching it very hot!!
  8. Andrew Yeah she's working ok but i have to fight it a bit as the power comes on - not very linear at all. Twins are where it's at, unless i go 3 ltr of course Spewing you had an early retiremant and the fact that we were in different groups. I would of been keen to follow you around to see the difference. I hope it's only your master cylinder too. Sounds good, but we also need to keep some 33's and 34's honest too........here's hoping!!!
  9. It sure was a nice day to be racing. It was good to be out there again throwing the car around Jack, thanks mate. I'm happy with the time all things considered. I'm sure more track experience and some further tweaking wouldn't go astray. Also, I now have a better appreciation of how fast you guys doing sub 1.03's are going - feels like daylight between 1.04 and 1.02!! The 'drive home diagnosis' revealed a leak on the boost side so i think a cooler hose or something like that has come loose or split. Matt, 1.05's for your setup is fantastic. Well done. Aaron, that thing is crazy. Congrats on the PB. If there ever was a day you'd pull off a PB, today would have been it. I hope you have settled the score with this track Well done to Justine too, I'd hate to think how much slower I'd be on street tyres so the 1.10 is a top effort. Good to meet Kon too and hope you enjoyed your first track day. Good to see the supra out there. I'm sure you would have learned heaps and probably have a big list of things you'd like to do to the car as well.
  10. SRB Have you given this webpage a go? http://www.1010tires.com/WheelOffsetCalculator.asp ps I know that 18 x 9 +20 fit perfectly on a 32 gtr.
  11. I hope you know it's all your fault!! Yep, she should pull up a little better now ps Roy, take Friday off to do what you have to do to the car and give calder another crack. 3 silver skylines ain't on the track all at the same time too often you know
  12. Bec Yep, been a long time between drinks. Dane I third that!! Aaron LOL. After all those passenger rides in Jacks car I couldn't hold off any longer!! Be good to see 32's, 33's and 34's all out there having a crack.
  13. Happy Bday Bec
  14. GUN_METAL_GTR32 and FLYSLY You have pm cheers Dane
  15. Happiest of birthdays to ya Rosco
  16. Taso84 I don't think they will and I doubt it. However, I'll trial fit these on the weekend on a r33 gtst and let you know how i go - perhaps different sized spacers might make them good for a gtst....
  17. Al Event wasn't cancelled. Track dried up in the afternoon so whoever was still there was able to get heaps of track time. There was a session at one stage where only Jack, JFK and another fazza had the track all to themselves. Thanks to Jack for the passenger sessions - one very well sorted car and one competent driver. 62's with the track/weather conditions as they were and those silly cones dividing the lanes coming onto the straight making it even more difficult, is extremely good. Was great to see the F40 and F50 getting out there and doing what they were built to do too.
  18. The wheels are off the car as I have other rims on it now. The tyres were transferred from the old rims to the current rims on the car, so, sorry no tyres. You have pm
  19. Sounds like your air flow meters may be on their way out. Also worth checking the connection to the AFM too. Start the car and wiggle the wire that connects to the AFM plug and see if the car splutters or stalls.
  20. May he RIP Saw him a few weeks ago at the maserati club day at calder. Thought I might go up and say hi to him at one stage but he was with others and I'd probably get to see him another time anyway....
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