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Everything posted by Stirlo_GTR

  1. Ran into Nath at Autobahn Fyshwic on the friday of he storms, Thanks again for looking after me buddy! was gunna be up the creek without them... oh btw they were the wrong ones they were for z32 not GTR, the GTR ones are the smaller ones, I managed to redrill them and use them any way, but my bad for not having an AFM there to check!
  2. There it is, you live in an appartment complex, there are rules about noise etc it was probably a tenant complaining to a land son of rajab and they dobbed you in... A word to the wise if your car does not meet ADR's.... dont piss off any chicks..... can be a big head ache.. trust me....
  3. Hey I am expecting to get mine back on 5th december, pending... I am keen to put mine on to check air ratios etc, for now you can count me in. R32 GTR. Cheers. Stirlo
  4. Hey Dan, I am sure some one woud be willing to give you a lift out, if your on the south I can give you a lift, thats if I manage to get a dump pipe made up soon enough. Any one skilled?
  5. ebay my friend, $125.00
  6. yes I have it, make a reasonable offer via pm if you like, and sorry I need the afm's still.
  7. a sugestion.... How about in the week after xmas most people get that off work so more can come, also there will be loads of people arround in swimmers guys for you gays and girls for us cooler people Thats very cheep rates, Les do it...
  8. Hey guys got some spares in great condition available Items: - gtr std twin manifolds $100 - R33 gtr std twin turbo one only(about 50,000kms) $200 - gtr std dump pipes $50 - gtr down pipe Nismo $100 - gtr intake pipes $80 Location: canberra Item Condition: good/great Reason for Selling: single turbo upgrade Price and Payment Conditions: negotiable, buyer pays postage Extra Info:all parts from r32 gtr Contact Details: pm or 0439782278 Cheers, Stirlo
  9. I have the dumps and Nismo twin down pipes to cat (no cat) available for 300 + shipping.
  10. I have one avaiable. pls pm I am chasing $250 with out postage.
  11. Mate you are deffinatly not alone, at least take that to hart, dont hate your R because it has let you down, accept it, rebuild it and enjoy it, thats why you bought it. Common sense would say if you have the engine out which is gunna cost you $1200 - $2500 (it is a certifiable bitch!), you may as well rebuild the top end also, its pretty old now if its still original internals. You are going to have to accept that its gunna be between $5k and $10K depending on what you do, $5k you should get your bearing, pistons (hone and bore) and labour, thats about it. For a nice build you wont have to worry (too much) about your looking at $8k-10K . I my self have just been through the same thing. Trust Nick and Pro Engines they know what they are talking about, if you want another place to get a quote from try Queanbyan Motor Builders, they built my engine and I havent had any issues with there work. Dont bother doing it your self, its not a pulsar or a holden.... you dont want anything else going wrong, if it can it will.
  12. I might well be keen also.
  13. Just spotted a black r23 gtst going up hagney in gilmore, I was the random waving infront of you in the red VL. Sounds Nice...
  14. Hey how many of you hippies are in gilmore/chisholm? we should have a get together and cruise our selfs, maybe cruise to a general meeting point.. maybe pm me rather than post where you are.
  15. Hy Mine is f*kn Yellow, live around all the southies and I get missed all the time.... whats with that? You wont miss me now tho!! you'll hear me from miles away
  16. Hey Nath do they carry Penzoil 10W30 ?
  17. Hey Mate welcome to the forum! In my opinion, you should get a 32 GTR, if you cant afford that get a 32 GTST and spend some mulla on it and make it the way you like it..... Do some of this reasearch you are doing on how many 33 owners (new to skylines) have had intimate experiances with some sort of pole... My reasoning: - Driving a 32 GTST is like...... Having sex with a cute blonde! - Driving a 32 GTR is like...... Having sex with Britney her self! - Driving a 33 GTST is like...... Having sex with a Fat Chick (shore its sex but it leaves a bad taste in your mouth) and you'll likely hit a pole. - Driving a 33 GTR is like...... Having sex with Britney and her sister! - Driving a 34 GTST is like...... Having sex with 2 cute blondes! - Driving a 34 GTR is like...... Having sex with every hot chick you can think of, all at once! I may be a little bias tho.... heheheh jk's *Puts helmet on* Peace out people!!!!!
  18. I should be able to make it....
  19. Interested just scraping cash together. will pm soon.
  20. I built it about 3-4 years ago now...
  21. Way back when, it pulled 131.8kw @ all 4. I also managed a 13.9 sec q on a gtec. not too bad for the level of engine mods, I have heard some disturbing roumers about it of late, that it has become a bit of a bucket and is pretty slow, but then its been in the hands of some "interesting" people since the sale!....
  22. Yeah its been sold 2-3 times now but is still kicking arround canberra! has been crashed a few times since also...
  23. So is your mum, but we dont go saying it in public do we sweet heart!
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