we re-addjusted the TPS and reset the ecu, checked voltages at teh ecu etc, but could not fault it.. however! apon doing a screw driver test, have now got the injectors firing and a strong fuel smell,... but we had lost spark???? fixed a fuse and have spark again and fuel...
she will not start, it splutters and pops but will not run gets close at times, but just wont catch and run.....
Timing??? thats what it sounds like, Maybe the CAS? I guess the big Q is why?
I have reset the ecu over night and will give it a hit tonight to see if it just comes good.
but Yeah Daniel I would really appreciate a lend of one of your spare ecu's???
could just plug it in and see if it go's! - This would be nice, but judging by the list of problems I have had not likly!