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Everything posted by Stirlo_GTR

  1. remember its still worth what you paid for it untill you sell it..... there is plenty of time for 32's later they will last for ever! only limited time on those 33's ... hehehehe
  2. People like that exist and thats life, if you went an bought an excel like the old codures want you to, it would be me giving you shit! As teh guys have said there is always some one who having a shiet week or month, and has just lost all there money, miss's has pissed off with his best friend and he has just run over his own dog. If you get in his way your gunna cop it no matter what. The point is.... Love and enjoy what you have, you have an awsome car and you love driving it.. put aside what people think. I have come from owning a few cars that copped shiet from all sorts, but I loved that car and I think it looked unreal, so I didnt let them bother me, I heard roumers about me from my parents that heard I was a leb drug dealer from syd, that moved here to escape the cops. Dude I couldn't be more ozzy. BUT instead of worrying about what people were saying or thinking, I just left it, you know the turth and so does anyone that matters (all us on here, yoru friends, and fam), I figured no-ones gunna *** with a car that belongs to a 30 yr old leb drug dealer.. And you know what...... no-one ever did touch my old car! Chin up sun shine! just enjoy what you have... ps dont get a gtr, unless you 1. can drive, and 2. have lots of mulla $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I have one but I am a long way from having my P's.... + you will cop more for having a car that is the ultimate enemy of all fords and holdens...
  3. Congrates mate, beautiful looking baby too well done on the gene's I have a 6 month old baby Girl. Awsome hey!! How you got some sleep before! BTW its a tight fit in the GTR but it can be done Well done mate!
  4. so my 233.8 @ wheels would be approx 300 at the engine.... :kick:
  5. Hey I could use some 16 yr old little hands in my engine bay for all the fiddly bits, or under it wiping up oil. Or polishing it and they are prolly cheeper than a buffer Slave Labour...
  6. maybe a tinted perspex replacment? would do the job its not like your looking through it all the time.. good luck mate sorry to hear!
  7. yeah there is just two bolts but you need little hands, small tools, and strength. these three do not complement each other... plus they are banjo bolts so have to be carfull with them... grrrrrr.... cheers tho!
  8. AND..... What is it with GTR's i our country! ok for 15 yrs then they all die when they get here. not feeling nissan atm I can tell you! My subaru took lots more than my GTR ever did. same year, almost same performance.
  9. sorry to hear richard, I still feel your pain. was there a heap of smoke? what was the sign that it gave in?
  10. Try soem local performance shops for funding...
  11. Hey Pantae if could all be alot worse see your pic below
  12. can anyone suggest someone to test my injector system as I dont think they are firing and I dont have a tester (light). Plus anyone wont to finish getting my turbos off? what a shit of a job! they are down to the oil lines and there is like 4 on each turbo. they are all thats holding them in.
  13. pm sent
  14. Perhaps we should organise a coast day and do just that!
  15. Oh and this is my other ride.
  16. Thanks Steve, perhaps before tomorrow? I spoke to brett and I am comming with tommorrow, not driving tho.
  17. Here you go! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...workshop+manual
  18. its in the gtr manual, what he is after eill be in it. do a search on these forums and down load it. its about 28Mb PDF.
  19. Cheers guys! no higher res till its finished and running again... its the same color but with Gold pearl over it, so it looks a tad different.
  20. here are some of mine.....
  21. I have a car... pics below...
  22. Good job, keep em comming!!
  23. Hey guys we should do a mobile phone photo thread of our own. post up your mobile pics of cars, sights, girls, funny things you have seen and managed to capture.... *PS does anyone have a cable to download pics, I dont and need some one I can send some to, so I can post up some up to date pics of the R. Cheers, Stirlo
  24. I have some pics of my ride on my phone and can send mms, but I dont have a cable to down load them, is there anyone willing to download them for me, I can mms them to you, and email them back ? cheers Stirlo.
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